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GPSMapEdit - Previous releases
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.10)
(July 2nd, 2018)
Download installer (3.20 MB)
Version without installer (3.55 MB)
The change log:
- Fix: Loading tiles from Google Maps (thanks to: Fazly Haris, TSA21432).
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.9)
(September 13rd, 2017)
The change log:
- Fix: Loading tiles from Yandex Maps (thanks to: TSA21432).
- Enhancement: New local Web map is supported - MapGeo for US Virgin Islands.
- Enhancement: New local Web map is supported - Gisco Map for Columbia (thanks to: John Ballesteros).
- Fix: Crashes in some rare cases.
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.8 FIX17)
(September 7th, 2017)
The change log:
- Fix: Loading tiles from Google Maps, Bing Maps, and Yandex Maps.
- Fix: Additional columns "StartNodID" and "EndNodID" added to polylines table for the default schema of ESRI shapefiles export.
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.8)
(March 14th, 2014)
The change log:
- Fix: Loading ECW and MrSID files based on the coordinate systems EPSG:3785 and EPSG:3857 (thanks to: 13slonik).
- Fix: 'Tools | Generate Routing Graph' now again works (thanks to: Jorge R. Rocca).
- Fix: Loading routing graph from Garmin IMG files (thanks to: MapTk).
- Fix: Export of direction kind for iGO and Navitel safety alerts (thanks to: Andronio).
- Fix: Applying the context menu item 'Paste Here' to bookmarks.
- Fix: Loading point type 0x0000 from map skins (thanks to: MapTk).
- Fix: Showing some of custom types from Garmin map skins (thanks to: fancheng).
- Fix: Parsing polylines with first transparent color of pattern from map skin Garmin TXT (thanks to: Mail4ma).
- Enhancement: New Web map is supported - deCarta (thanks to: Сергей Тяжов).
- Enhancement: New Web map is supported - (Indonesia) (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.7)
(March 4th, 2014)
The change log:
- Fix: The context menu for tracks and waypoints is restored (thanks to: Carlos).
- Fix: Incorrect characters in the field "Type" and title of Properties appearing in some computers (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).
- Enhancement: New Web map is supported - Wikimapia.
- Enhancement: Changing type from any building-related one with the attribute "Floors" into any non-building type removes the attribute "Floors" (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.6)
(March 2nd, 2014)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash while applying changes in "Extra" tab of Properties in some cases (thanks to: Алекс).
GPSMapEdit 2.1 (update 78.5)
(March 2nd, 2014)
The change log:
- New feature: The support of MrSID and NITF formats.
In demo mode, it is possible to view low-detailed scales up to 240 m, but the license key level 2.x is required to zoom in a detailed scale.
Non-lidar files are supported, the supported color schemes are RGB(A) and Grayscale(A), without real using alpha-channel, multi-band files are not supported, just 1-byte samples are allowed.
The coordinate system is read from PRJ file, if any, then from GeoTiff tags, then from "IMAGE::WKT" tag.
If the information regarding coordinate system is not found, the import wizard allows user to select the coordinate system manually; the selected coordinate system is saved to .PRJ file to be reused on next opening.
In addition, MrSID Decode SDK runtime should be installed.
- Enhancement: Now it is possible to view ECW files in low-detailed scales up to 240 m in demo mode;
but the license key level 1.x or higher is required to zoom in a detailed scale.
- Enhancement: Edges of rotated ECW maps are now transparent for Web maps and for underlying raster maps.
- Enhancement: For the ECW format, the list of supported projections, identifiers of datums and coordinate systems is significantly extended.
The standard table files GDT_data are used (they are placed at the subfolder "\_CoordinateSystems\gdt_data\").
If the information regarding coordinate system is not found, the import wizard allows user to select the coordinate system manually; the selected coordinate system is saved to .PRJ file to be reused on next opening.
- New feature: The support of OziExplorer .ozfx3/.map format.
- New feature: Common setting of transparency for attached raster images - please see the drop-down menu of the toolbar button for hiding raster attachments.
- Enhancement: The program is associated with the file name extensions
.jpg, .jpeg (re-opened as OziExplorer .map, provided that there is no EXIF header),
.bmp, .tif, .tiff, .png, .gif, .ozf2, .ozfx3 (re-opened as OziExplorer .map),
.j2w, .jxw, .jfw (re-opened as .jp2, .jpx, .jpf), .sdw (re-opened as .sid), .nfw (re-opened as .ntf), .ers (re-opened as .ecw).
- Enhancement: The export wizard for the format OziExplorer MAP (the menu item 'File | Export | OziExplorer map (*.map)') now exports the whole map by default.
- New feature: Export to the BMP format (the menu item 'File | Export | Windows bitmap (*.bmp)').
- New feature: Export to the EMF format (the menu item 'File | Export | Enhanced metafile (*.emf)').
To export whole map, license key level 2.x is required, while the demo mode is enough to export a small part.
- New feature: Export of vector map data to Google Earth KMZ format (the menu item 'File | Export | Google Earth compressed user data (*.kmz)').
- Enhancement: Export of tracks and waypoints to Google Earth KML format is redesigned -
the KMZ format is supported; tracks are saved as <gx:Track> and <gx:MultiTrack> tags; timestamps and altitude is saved for the trackpoints.
- New feature: Import from and export to the format CityGuide BKM (speed cameras and road signs) as bookmarks. The export takes similar iGO and Navitel bookmarks into account.
- Enhancement: The better support of iGO safety alerts - now better distinguishing imported iGO files from similar Navitel safety alerts;
the column "IDX" is allowed in imported files; better distinguishing of extended type codes for Primo/Base for import and export; export now takes similar CityGuide bookmarks into account.
- Enhancement: Export to Navitel safety alerts now takes similar iGO and CityGuide bookmarks into account.
- New feature: The support of Garmin TYP map skins (please see menu item 'View | Manage Map Skins...').
- Enhancement: The better support of Garmin TXT map skins - polygons draw order is now supported (the section "[_drawOrder]");
rotation of some of polyline patterns;
fixed reading of night colors for polygons and solid polylines without borders;
fixed Garmin language codes of type names;
fixed type name selection for missing ones for current language.
- Enhancement: The better support of Navitel NS2 map skins - visualization of font sizes for points and polylines; the format version v1.6 is supported (thanks to: Шестаков Максим).
- Enhancement: New Web maps are supported - (Ukraine), Roscosmos, Tatarstan.
- Fix: Showing Bing Maps if high definition tiles are not supplied by the server (thanks to: Эртнер).
- Fix: Google Maps for some computers (thanks to: Ben Steinberg).
- Fix: To speed up Web maps scrolling, now additional row beyound the screen is downloaded (thanks to: Владимир).
- Enhancement: Distinctive visualization of Web map tile error status as recent message "(Failed)" and the new one "(Network error)".
- Enhancement: Polygon templates now support multi-element polygons, as well as holes.
- Fix: "Extra" tab of Properties - now the attribute keys are treated as case-insensitive; repeating insertion of the same attribute key is disabled.
- New feature: The context menu item 'Modify | Extras' is provided for editing, adding and removing of extra attributes for multiple selection (thanks to: soldat).
- New feature: The context menu item 'Modify | Information' is provided for editing the attributes "Description", "Phone", "Fax", "Email", "Web Page" for multiple selection.
- New feature: The context menu item 'Modify | Routing | Restrictions...' is provided for editing the routing restriction attributes for multiple selection.
- New feature: The context menu item 'Modify | Display...' is provided for editing polyline's direction attribute for multiple selection.
- New feature: The context menu item 'Modify | Postal Address | Indexing Settings...' is provided for editing the find indexing attributes.
- Fix: Export to Lowrance LCM format - too long string attributes are automatically truncated to avoid crash inside lcmBuilder.dll (thanks to: Ralf Sundell).
- Fix: Export to Lowrance LCM format now again supports UTF-8 (thanks to: Владимир Савченко).
- Enhancement: Export to Lowrance LCM format now supports the attribute "Description" (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", 6 digits after comma are saved to .MP (thanks to: Ralf Sundell).
- Fix: For the type set "Lowrance", the zip codes list and the attributes "Description", "Phone" may be edited.
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", new 37 icons for point types 0x2401-0x6B01 were added (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", contour color for polygon types State Park (0x002a), City Park (0x002f), Golf course (0x0034) and Urban area (0x0001),
as well as color of polyline types Elevation Contour 0 (0x0060) and Elevation Contour 1 (0x0062) are changed to the ones used in Lowrance devices.
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", the order of polygons drawing now takes into account their types like in Lowrance devicеs (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Enhancement: The window "Bookmark properties" supports simplified view, which may be switched to full view back.
- Enhancement: The window "Postal Address Items" - the buttons "OK" and "Apply" are disabled, while only "Close" is enabled (thanks to: mapdv).
- Enhancement: The window "Postal Address Items", tab "Cities" - the column "Locatable" is replaced by the column "Distance" showing the distance from the screen center.
- Enhancement: "Select city" window like "Postal Address Items" one, now shows the columns "Objects" and "Distance". The width of the window is enlarged.
- Fix: Selection of city by pressing initial characters in the city selection window (thanks to: Владимир).
- Enhancement: Showing time, altitude and depth in map infotip for waypoints, and showing altitude and depth for track points.
- Enhancement: In "View" tab of Options the switches to show/hide extra attributes (thanks to: soldat), "Floors", altitude and depth of waypoints and tracks in map infotips are added.
- Enhancement: In "Edit" tab of Options, the checkbox "Stick to tracks and waypoints" is added (thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Enhancement: Better showing point' icons in the lists of types in some cases.
- Enhancement: Importing incorrect SHP files containing fragments of dummy data - the recovery is made using .SHX file (thanks to: Николай Красников).
- Fix: Loading empty iGO Primo .TRK files (thanks to: Scarpetta, Rafael Clemente DE Souza).
- Enhancement: The Properties window - the buttons to clear attributes "Label", "Label 2", "Label 3", "Comment", "Description", "Phone", "Fax", "Email" and "Web page" are added.
- Enhancement: The Properties window - the button "Last" for the attribute "Description" is added.
- Enhancement: The tab "Elements" of Properties - spinbox for the attribute "All elements are extended to levels up to" is added.
- Enhancement: The tab "Elements" of Properties - initial input focus is directed to the field "All elements are extended to levels up to" (thanks to: _Igor_).
- Fix: The tab "Comment" of Properties now may be closed by pressing ESC (thanks to: GPS Moldova).
- Fix: The button "Copy from Nearest Address" in Properties window now does not copy the attribute "Number" for roads (thanks to: jurka).
- Fix: Merging or joining a road and non-road polylines removes corresponding routing nodes (thanks to: Владимир).
- Fix: Building 3D scene with closed window "3D View" is now avoided (thanks to: Бойко Александр).
- Enhancement: "Bounds" tab of "Map Properties" window - the button "View Full Map" is added (thanks to: Ralf Sundell).
- Enhancement: "Statistics" tab of "Map Properties" window - the counter of road polylines with address now takes the numbering along road into account (thanks to: maxdddca).
- Enhancement: Speeding up automatic routing up to 10 times in some cases (thanks to: Lion).
- Enhancement: Reading very long attributes "Comment" and "Description" from .MP files is optimized by speed (thanks to: Lion).
- Fix: For the type set "Universal", exporting to cgpsmapper.exe is enabled.
- Fix: The result of context menu item 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' in some cases (thanks to: mapdv).
- Enhancement: Reading incorrect EXIF header from geo-tagged JPG photographs saved by Samsung SGH-i900 (thanks to: Ar't).
- Enhancement: The title of the Properties window now additionally shows the type of object (thanks to: spacer).
- Fix: Crash while export to SHP in some cases (thanks to: Lee Phillippi).
- Enhancement: "Numbers" tab of "Point Properties" window - changing parity automaticaly affects current value of number (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: "Numbers" tab of "Point Properties" window - increasing/decreasing number by spinbox if number dos not correspond current parity in some cases (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: The context menu item 'Bisect Polygon Here' now preserves the attribute "All elements are extended to levels up to" (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: Enforced turning on showing tracks and waypoints, raster maps and bookmarks after adding a map is not performed, povided that the added file does not contain the mentioned data (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: The default color of cross at the first point of polygon or polyline is made more distinguishable.
- Fix: Shape distortion after applying 'Location | Paste Here' to distant position relative to original position.
- Fix: The minimal generalization threshold for tracks converted to polylines is diminished to 0.6 m (thanks to: Владимир).
- Enhancement: Position parser (e.g., the menu item 'View | Go to Position...') now additionaly supports the prefixes "Lat:" and "Lon:" (thanks to: Ralf Sundell).
- Enhancement: Saving files to subfolders of "Program Files" with active Windows UAC generate warning message.
- Fix: The result of menu item 'Tools | Generate Routing Graph' with "Snap to Grid" turned off and presence of nodes closer than the grid step (thanks to: babj615).
- Enhancement: The number of GDI objects used to load custom types of "heavy" Garmin map skins (TYP or TXT) is diminished to avoid reaching Windows limitations (thanks to: antientart).
- Fix: Inconsistency of long distances in the tools "Measure Distance", "Test Routing Graph" and the tab "Elements" of Properties (thanks to: OverQuantum).
- Enhancement: Long distance calculation now takes Earth flattening into account.
- Enhancement: The coordinate systems Europe ETRS-LCC and ETRS-LAEA, datums TM65, MAKASSAR, PZ90.11, ellipsoid GSK-2011 are added.
- Enhancement: Transliteration tables for Chinese Traditional to Simplified and back, BoPoMoFo to Pinyin, Serbian Latin to Serbian Cyrillics and back are added.
- Enhancement: Transliteration tables for Bulgarian, Serbian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Tatar to Latin are added.
- Enhancement: Titles of the transliteration tables is localized, and the list of tables is sorted by titles.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Chinese (both simplified and traditional) is added (thanks to: boluomi258).
- Enhancement: Translation of Garmin and Navitel types to Chinese (thanks to: boluomi258) and to Hebrew (thanks to: Ben Steinberg) is fixed.
Names of Garmin and Navitel types are translated to Tajik and Serbian (Cyrillics and Latin). Names of Navitel types are translated to Croatian.
GPSMapEdit 2.0 (update 77.1)
(March 28th, 2013)
The change log:
- New feature: Context menu item 'Location | Paste Here' pastes object from clipboard at the selected location (thanks to: Gary Turner).
NOTE: The feature requires license 2.x. In evaluation mode, the menu item may be selected 2 times since program restart.
- New feature: Polygon context menu item 'Save As Template Polygon...' allows to save the shape of selected polygon as template for further pasting.
- New feature: Context menu item 'Location | Paste Template Polygon' pastes the selected polygon template at the selected location.
NOTE: The feature requires license 2.x. In evaluation mode, the menu item may be selected 2 times since program restart.
- New feature: Context menu item 'Location | Copy Position' copies coordinates of the selected location to clipboard (thanks to: izhar khan).
- New feature: Context menu item 'Location | Browse in' allows to run an external application or open a page in Web browser at the selected location.
The supported external applications are Garmin MapSource and Google Earth. The openable Web sites are Google Maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps,, WikiMapia, Rosreestr Public Map,
NOTE: The feature requires license 2.x. In evaluation mode, each menu item may be selected 2 times since program restart.
- Enhancement: The support of new Web maps -, ESRI ArcGIS, Rosreestr Public Map, Ukrainian Cadastral Map (both vector and orthophoto).
- Enhancement: The menu of Web maps may have up to 2 sublevels. It may be configured in the Settings.
- Fix: Work of Bing Maps in some countries (thanks to: TREVOR NORTHAGE).
- Fix: Crash while polygon or polyline points selection in some cases (thanks to: jurka, Paul Dietl).
- Fix: The scale proportions after 'File | New...' (thanks to: sdtz).
- Fix: The distance threshold among routing nodes for Garmin in "Verify Map" (thanks to: popej).
- Fix: For the both settings "Connect to Roads for Every New Road" and "Show Properties for Every New Object" turned on,
initial value of routing class and speed limit is assigned before showing Properties (thanks to: Quicksilver).
- Enhancement: Splitting map to files now fixes incorrect values of NodeIDs (thanks to: popej).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Swedish is added (thanks to: Kenta2). Names of types are translated to Azerbaijani.
GPSMapEdit 2.0 (update 76.9)
(February 27th, 2013)
The change log:
- Fix: Work of 'Connect to Roads' in some cases (thanks to: ekx71).
- Fix: Report after 'Tools | Special | Split Roads at Nodes' (thanks to: Jorg Strachotta).
- Fix: Yahoo Maps tiles extension is now .png (thanks to: Vovan_Alm).
- Fix: Connection to Yandex Maps from some of computers (thanks to: Sergey Shetsko).
- Enhancement: The new context menu item 'Web Map | Reconnect to Server' may be used for connection troubleshooting.
- Fix: Crash at some custom Web maps (thanks to: Ar't).
- Enhancement: The support of transparent .png/.gif for custom Web maps (thanks to: Ar't).
GPSMapEdit 2.0 (update 76.7)
(February 21st, 2013)
The change log:
- Fix: License activation issues.
- Fix: Crash while viewing ECW maps in some cases (thanks to: Alexander Kushnarev).
GPSMapEdit 2.0 (update 76.6)
(February 18th, 2013)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash after re-saving MP in some cases (thanks to: spacer).
- Fix: Building file name for cache format "EarthSlicer" at some levels of Web map (thanks to: soldat).
GPSMapEdit 2.0 (update 76.5)
(February 15th, 2013)
The change log:
- New feature: New license level 2.0 is introduced - all new paid functions require the license 2.0.
However license key 1.х is enough to use all the old paid functions that were available in 1.1.
The registered users of GPSMapEdit 1.x may upgrade the license to 2.0 with discount by purchasing the upgrade key.
- Enhancement: The support of Web maps, as the extension of previous support of Google Maps:
now Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, OpenStreetMap, Yandex Maps, Kosmosnimki are available too.
NOTE: Access to all the new Web maps require license 2.0, while Google Maps is available by old license 1.x.
If the license level is not enough, Web maps are shown with restriction of most detailed scale 240 m.
* Inner communication with Google Maps is fixed in some cases.
* All the supported Web maps as well as cache formats now are described using external editable text .dat files stored at the subfolder .\_WebMap.
This allows an advanced user to define custom Web maps as well as cache formats and to share them with other users.
* The cache format form SAS.Planet is supported; now it is the cache format by default.
* Read-only secondary cache may be used too. By default, the old cache from the GPSMapEdit 1.х is used as the secondary one.
* The cache is now turned on by default.
* Changing path to the cache folder now applies immediately without restarting the application (thanks to: soldat).
* The format of 2nd cache may be converted using the button "Convert Format..." in Settings.
* The most detailed level of Web maps may be limited to diminish traffic (please see the field "Limit most detailed scale:" in Settings).
* For each Web map, separate setting of cache format and subfilder name is supported (please see the button "Advanced..." in Settings).
* Optional recording debug data concerning Web map server communications to log file for troubleshooting purposes.
The logs are recorded to the folder <%My Documents%>\GPSMapEdit\Logs.
* Screen blinking on start with ready cached tiles is suppressed.
* In the list of Web map shifts, the new item "Map-specific" is introduced. Such shift is stored in MP file (thanks to: Marcelo Rodriguez Claude).
- New feature: Export to the format SHP.
NOTE: This feature requires the license 2.0.
- New feature: Export to the format CityGuide .cgmap (menu item 'File | Export | CityGuide 7.7+ (*.cgmap) / MP2CGMAP.exe').
It is required to download external convertor MP2CGMAP.exe.
- New feature: Menu item 'File | New...' creates new map.
- New feature: Menu item 'Tools | Special | Split Roads at Nodes'.
- New feature: The context menu item 'Connect to Roads' is available for road polylines. It automatically creates routing graph nodes at all road intersections.
- New feature: The function 'Connect to Roads' is applied automatically to each newly created road.
It may be disabled using the toolbar button "Create Object", drop-down menu item 'Connect to Roads for Every New Road'.
- New feature: In context menu of the tool "Edit Points", new item 'Set as Initial Point' may be applied to polygons (thanks to: spacer).
- Enhancement: All the data previously saved at run time into subfolders of the installation folder in <%Prоgram Files%>,
now are saved into subfolders of <%My Documents%>\GPSMapEdit\. E.g., crash dumps are now saved to <%My Documents%>\GPSMapEdit\Errors.
- Fix: "Mini-map" window working.
- Enhancement: On right-click at "Mini-map" window, the context menu with item "Refresh" appears.
- Enhancement: The "Options" window now opens at last opened tab.
- Enhancement: The relative position of "Properties" window is restored (thanks to: pol).
- Enhancement: The toolbar buttons with drop-down menus now shown pressed on their selection
- Enhancement: The toolbar button "Create object" changes its icon on context.
- Enhancement: Export via built-in format convertors may be terminated by pressing ESC.
- Enhancement: In some of windows with lists, pressing ENTER now is interpreted as double-click (thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Enhancement: When entering or editing coordinates, lower case letters for "N", "E", "S", and "W" are allowed, as well as decimal comma (thanks to: Ralf Sundell).
- Enhancement: In windows where input of coodinates is possible, the button inputing the degree sign is added (thanks to: spacer).
- Enhancement: In windows where input of integer value is possible, spinboxes are added.
- Enhancement: In "Numbers" tab of point's Properties, additional fields to show parity from previous road segment are provided (thanks to: Alastair Sheppard).
- Enhancement: In "Address" tab of object's Properties, the button "X" clears the field "Street", and button "Clear All" resets all the fields (thanks to: spacer).
- Enhancement: The context menu item 'Reverese Polyline' is renamed to 'Reverse Order of Points', and it is now avialable for polygons also (thanks to: dr.b).
- Enhancement: In object's Properties, the button "Last" is provided for attributes "Type:" and "Floors:".
- Enhancement: In the attribute editor openable from the context menu for "Label", "Street" and "Floors", the button "Last" is added (thanks to: spacer).
- Enhancement: In the "Postal Address Items" window, last selected city is restored (thanks to: pol).
- Fix: In the "Find by Address" window, unexpected reset of selected "City" in some cases (thanks to: LS_D).
- Enhancement: In the "Find by Address" window, selected "Street" is restored after application restart.
- Enhancement: In the "Find by Address" window, streets without house numbers are highlighted as red (thanks to: jurka).
- Enhancement: The "3D" tab of object's Properties now is available only for polygons able to have "Floors" attribute (the categories "Buildings", "Man made" etc) (thanks to: ekx71).
- Enhancement: In the context menu of the tool "Select Objects", the item "Rectify Polygon Angles" is added. It may be applied to multiple selection (thanks to: Владимир).
- Fix: While export to Lowrance LCM format, feet to meters conversion in some cases (thanks to: Андрей Александрович).
- Enhancement: While export to Lowrance LCM format, better processing of inner errors in lcmBuilder.dll (thanks to: Андрей Александрович, Aventura-GPS).
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", colors of polygons are made identical to the ones used in GPSr. Icons and names of POIs 0x1601-0x1617 are revised. (thanks to: Alexsidorov).
- Fix: Conversion of POI types to the type set "Lowrance".
- Enhancement: The type set "Universal" is now used as default one.
- Enhancement: The skins in Garmin TXT/TYP format now are enabled for maps with type sets "Universal" and "Navitel", but any custom types and names are hidden for them.
- Enhancement: The skins in Navitel NS2 format now are enabled for maps with type sets "Garmin", but Navitel-specific types are hidden for them.
- Enhancement: Skins from Navitel 7 are supported.
- Enhancement: JPG/EXIF headers ver. are supported (thanks to: Ar't).
- Fix: Damage of POI icons from Garmin TXT/TYP skins under Windows 7/8 configured for font size 125% and 150% (thanks to: Michele Custodero, Jurgen Dittrich).
- Fix: Work of the button "Copy from Nearest Address" in some cases (thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Fix: Colours distribution in "Highlight Addresses" mode in some cases (thanks to: ekx71).
- Fix: The attribute "No transit traffic" is enabled for maps with the type set "Universal" (thanks to: LS_D).
- Fix: The tab "Source" in map's and object's Properties now takes into account the code page of the map (thanks to: vad47).
- Fix: In the degree grid, the parallels beyound 90°, and meridians beyound 360° are no more drawn.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Germain (thanks to: Michael Schlenstedt) and Persian (thanks to: reza amyari) is updated.
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 75.2)
(August 25th, 2012)
Download installer (2.88 MB)
Version without installer (2.86 MB)
The change log:
- New feature: Menu item 'View | Highlight Floors' as well as the corresponding button in toolbar, switches the mode of highlighting number of floors of polygon with colors.
This mode is available only for the type set "Universal".
- Fix: Changing number of floors using context menu item (thanks to: vad47).
- Fix: Translation of Navitel-specific type names in the type set "Universal" (thanks to: Zauber).
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 75.1)
(August 21st, 2012)
The change log:
- New feature: Export to format Navikey 7 Ways .7W using the external convertor 7WaysConvC.exe (please see menu item 'File | Export | Navikey 7 Ways map (*.7w) / 7WaysConvC.exe').
- New feature: Export to format CityGuide .DCM using the external convertor GeoConstructor.exe (please see menu item 'File | Export | CityGuide map (*.dcm) / GeoConstructor').
- Enhancement: The type set "Navitel and Garmin" has been renamed to "Universal (Navitel, Garmin etc)". Now this type set is fully available in demo mode.
- New feature: For the type set "Universal", new "3D" tab is available in the Properties window for polygons. It allows to define the number of floors of a building.
This new feature corresponds to the non-standard attribute "Floors=", which one is supported by some of the format convertors (except cgpsmapper.exe).
In addition, the number of floors may be modified using corresponding item of the context menu.
- Enhancement: The context menu item 'Show in 3D' is enabled for the type set "Universal" for polygons having floors.
The window "3D View" takes the floors into account on buildind 3D-scene.
- Enhancement: In the "Map Properties" window, changing of the type set and pressing "Apply" button causes change of available tabs, if necessary.
- Enhancement: In the "Map Properties" window, new tab for type set "Lowrance" and for "Navitel" is provided.
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance", the new non-standard attribute "LcmDivDepths=Y" is supported in the MP file header.
It may be turned on/off using the new tab "lcmBuilder" of the "Map Properties" window.
If the attribute is presented, all depth and elevation values are divided by 3.28084 (feet per meter) before exporting to Lowrance .LCM.
- Enhancement: Export to Lowrance .LCM now supports the labels of water polygons 0x10, 0x12, 0x15 (thanks to: Roger Yost).
- Fix: For the type set "Lowrance", the correct Lowrance grid is supported to round a coordinates. The step of the grid depends on latitude:
it is equal to 1 meter at the equator, and diminishes onward to the poles, while the step along latitude and one along longitude are equal each other everywhere.
- Fix: For the type set "Lowrance" and "ALAN/Holux", the drop-down list of special characters in "Object Properties" is disabled for the "Label" attribute.
- Enhancement: For the type set "Lowrance" and "ALAN/Holux", merging of zoom levels now ignores "Bits" attribute while pasting objects and while map adding (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Enhancement: On "File | Add...", zoom levels of added maps are compared with the target ones. Non-coincidence is reported to the "Message Log" (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Enhancement: The precision of the distance measurement tool is increased for short distances.
- Fix: Loss of precision while editing position as text (thanks to: Albert Semenov).
- Fix: In "Verify Map...", false detection of polygon intersection in some cases is fixed (thanks to: Albert Semenov).
- Fix: In "Split Map to Files...", splitting a routing node (thanks to: Andrzej Popowski).
- Fix: Crash while editing huge number of points as text (thanks to: Лукьянов Андрей).
- Fix: Opening multiple shortcuts in 'File | Add...' (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: Shortcuts may be dropped from Explorer to GPSMapEdit window.
- Enhancement: Export to formats of maps, whose support is discontinued by the developers of corresponding navigation systems (Holux/ALAN .CRD and .ARD, RUSSA .RUS, Navitel .NTM and .NM2),
has been moved to the new sub-menu 'File | Export | Obsolete Formats'.
- Enhancement: Export to formats of tracks, waypoints and routes, whose support is discontinued by the developers of corresponding navigation systems,
has been moved to the new sub-menu 'File | Export | Attached Waypoints/Track Logs/Routes to | Obsolete Formats'.
- Fix: Loading of some waypoints from MapSource .GDB files (thanks to: Carlos E. Solorzano Landa).
- Fix: Crash while saving very huge section "[DICTIONARY]" to MP file (thanks to: Wagner Kobayashi).
- Enhancement: The attributes of MP header "POIZipFirst=" and "POINumberFirst=" are now saved regardless their value, provided that the attribute "POIIndex=Y" is on (thanks to: Andrzej Popowski).
- Fix: The system setting "Don't save encrypted pages to disk" now does not cause the message "(Failed)" appearance in "Google Maps".
- Enhancement: In the context menu 'Google Maps', the item 'Refresh All Visible Tiles' is added (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for German is made more comprehensive.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Armenian is added (thanks to: Hrant Ohanyan).
NOTE: if your Windows is not Armenian, please install the font "Tahoma Armenian" into the system.
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 74.3)
(May 27th, 2012)
The change log:
- Fix: Arithmetic problems after "Show in 3D" (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 74.2)
(May 20th, 2012)
The change log:
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: To avoid the precision loss for big position values (e.g. longitudes over 90 degrees) caused by imperfect intrinsic format
of real numbers used to store operated data in RAM in earlier versions of GPSMapEdit, that intrinsic format is replaced by fixed-point number
representation with enhanced accuracy.
NOTE: due to this removal of data distortion, re-saving MP file generated by a previous version of GPSMapEdit may change some of least significant
digits inside MP in certain cases.
- Enhancement: To simplify migration to the new version of GPSMapEdit in collective projects based on SVN or CVS systems,
a simulation of the former precision loss may be turned on to minimize changes inside .MP files
(please see menu 'Tools | Options...', "Load & Save" tab, the button "Settings for Polish format...", the switch
"Simulate incorrect inner precision loss for positions (like in pre-1.1.74.x)").
- Enhancement: "Snap to grid" is now applied for 25- and 26-bit zoom levels.
- Enhancement: In the status bar, the cursor position is displayed with from 4 to 7 digits after the decimal point, depending on the zoom scale.
- Enhancement: In the import wizard of .SHP and MapInfo MIF/MID, the coordinate system selection page is greatly redesigned:
- the embedded library of over 1200 coordinate systems used in various countries, with displaying their parameters and EPSG code;
- automatic zone selection for SK-42, SK-95, DHDN and some other coordinate systems;
- new projections are supported: Albers Equal Area, Cassini-Soldner, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area, Lambert Conformal Conic, Mercator,
Oblique Stereographic, Polar Stereographic, Oblique Mercator, Hotine Oblique Mercator, Sinusoidal, Cylindrical Equal-Area, Azimuthal Equidistant,
Equidistant Conic, Polyconic, Miller Cylindrical, Mollweide, Eckert IV, Eckert VI, Krovak, NZMG;
- international feet, survey feet, yards, links, chains, kilometers, statute and nautical miles are supported as units for coordinate systems;
- 3-degree Gauss-Kruger is supported;
- custom coordinate systems are supported (the corresponding data are saved in text file .\_CoordinateSystems\CustomCoordSys.wkt);
- import of coordinate systems from files in OGC WKT (.WKT) and ESRI .PRJ formats;
- new window for datum selection, with displaying their parameters in list;
- the embedded library of datums is updated and extended (over 300 datums total);
- it is possible to add, delete and edit custom datums (the corresponding data are saved in text file .\_CoordinateSystems\CustomDatums.wkt);
- import of datums from files in OGC WKT (.WKT) and ESRI .PRJ formats;
- grid shift tables of datums in formats NTv2 (.GSB) and NADCON (.las/.los) are supported.
- Enhancement: The import of MapInfo MIF/MID with certain kinds of headers is enhanced:
- the list of supported projections is extended by Albers Equal Area, Cassini-Soldner, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area, Lambert Conformal Conic,
Mercator, Stereographic, Hotine Oblique Mercator, Swiss Oblique Mercator, Sinusoidal, Cylindrical Equal-Area, Azimuthal Equidistant,
Equidistant Conic, Polyconic, Miller Cylindrical, Mollweide, Eckert IV, Eckert VI, Gall, Krovak, NZMG;
- automatic using of datum specified in the MIF header.
- Enhancement: The file .PRJ (coordinate system description), if any, accompanying .SHP one is used while importing shapefile.
- New feature: For attached raster map, the context menu item 'Lock Correction' disables/enables dragging of the map.
- New feature: For attached raster map, the context menu item 'Zoom to Basic Scale' is added (thanks to: Constantino Grosse).
- New feature: For road nodes, the context menu item 'Split Numbering' is added (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: Resolved visual overlapping of numbering along roads about crossroads in some cases (thanks to: Javier Postiglione).
- Fix: Splitting numbering along roads while splitting roads with numbers over 65 000 (thanks to: Brett Hodgson).
- Enhancement: On pasting data with different code page, the corresponding warning message appears (thanks to: Dr.B).
- Fix: Loading GPS EXIF header for big endian case (thanks to: Buyung Akram).
- Fix: Crash on undoing "Extract All Elements" for non-road (thanks to: Serge V Reznikov).
- Fix: The message about opening attacned file from detached disk is improved (thanks to: Peter Hendricks).
- Enhancement: The buttons DEL and INSERT are supported in the list-style windows to delete or add corresponding items of lists.
- Fix: Crash while splitting map with low step (thanks to: Dr.B).
- Fix: The behaviour of map infotip (thanks to: Camilo Barreto).
- Fix: Converting labels ('Tools | Convert Labels...') from meters to feet and vice versa for maps with type set "Lowrance"
(thanks to: Jon Roberts).
- Enhancement: On exporting map to the format Lowrance LCM, inner crashes of lcmBuilder.dll are handled to provide better error reports.
- Enhancement: On exporting map to the format Lowrance LCM, Garmin-specific special codes are removed automatically.
- Fix: For maps with type sets "Lowrance" and "ALAN/Holux", the elevation/depth units convertion is no more applied for labels visualization.
In "Map Properties", the setting for elevation units is hidden.
- Fix: Crash while saving to format .MP after two exports to Lowrance LCM (thanks to: AlexSidorov).
- Fix: Loading of files in the format .GDB saved by Basecamp (thanks to: Marcelo Rodriguez Claude).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Finnish (thanks to: Jarkko Makineva).
Names of Garmin and Navitel types are partially translated to Sinhalese (thanks to: D.L.R. Shyamal).
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 73.2)
(November 22nd, 2011)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash while label of new object inputing with simultaneous map saving (thanks to: Alexey, Дмитрий).
The toolbar is now disabled during label is edited in-place.
- Fix: Crash while loading .MP file with bookmarks imported earlier from POIs without icon file (thanks to: Gary Turner).
GPSMapEdit 1.1 (update 73.1)
(November 18th, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: Unicode is supported.
The program is distributed as Unicode build, as marked by incrementing of version number - 1.1.
Note: all previous license keys continue to work both for 1.0 and for 1.1.
- New feature: File .MP may be saved in UTF-8 (please see "Map Properties", the field "Code page:").
Note: UTF-8 is not supported by cgpsmapper and Garmin IMG format, as well as by Lowrance LCM, Holux/ALAN CRD/ARD. Unicode map may be used only for Navitel .NM2.
- New feature: Before saving to .MP, all string attributes in the map are automatically verified for selected code page.
If there are characters not savable in the code page, the corresponding warning message is provided to user, and map is saved using UTF-8.
- New feature: In "Map Properties" window, the button [Detect] is added for "Code page:" field.
- New feature: 'File | Open...' and 'File | Import' provide dropdown list with code pages.
Shapefile import wizard and also POI table import wizard provides additional national code pages:
Armenian ArmSCII-8, Georgian Academia and PS, Devanagari Indian SCII (for Hindi), Tatar CP1251, Chuvash CP1251, Kazakh KazWin, Cyrillic Asian (PT 154).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map...': additional checking of all string attributes for code page.
- Enhancement: User is notified about entering characters not allowed by code page of map.
- Enhancement: Additional transliteration tables for Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Devanagari (Hindi), Hebrew, Thai to Latin.
- Enhancement: Waypoints, routes and tracks are now exported to Garmin .GDB format version 3 (since this format stores all strings in UTF-8).
- Fix: Out of memory while changing type of all routable roads to non-roads (thanks to: Михаил).
- Fix: 'Tools | Slice All Objects' and "Tools | Split Map to Files...":
splitting numbering along roads is fixed,
automatic removal of repeating points in splitted roads,
pre-rounding of positions for splitting lines (thanks to: Andrzej Popowski).
- Fix: The support of map skins in .NS2 format for non-standard screen resolutions (thanks to: Michael Schlenstedt).
- Fix: Removal of former random lines appearing on the screen while points dragging (thanks to: Doozer).
- Fix: Right-clicking while unintended mouse moving (thanks to: topograf).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Tatar (thanks to: Ирек Хазиев).
- Enhancement: Names of Garmin and Navitel types are translated to Armenian (thanks to: Tigran Apikyan, Vika Martirosyan).
Names of Navitel types are translated to Finnish.
Names of Garmin and Navitel types in Bulgarian are fixed.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 72.0)
(October 24th, 2011)
The change log:
- Enhancement: 'View | Show Google Maps': in demo mode, showing satellite images from Google Maps is enabled for low-detail scales up to 14-th level (resolution is limited to 10 m/pixel).
- Enhancement: Dragging map by right button of mouse (thanks to: Buyung Akram).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Create Objects | Show Properties for Every New Object' enables showing "Properties" window for every new object.
- Fix: Multiple removal of polygon elements with holes in some cases (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: While exporting map to .NM2 format, for roads with assigned "City", the attribute "Label" is automaticaly copied to empty "Street" one (this is necessary for street search in Navitel).
- Enhancement: Beta version of GUI localization for German (thanks to: Michael Schlenstedt).
Names of Garmin types are translated to Armenian (thanks to: Tigran Apikyan).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 71.0)
(October 14th, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: Export of waypoints and tracks to the format .KML (Google Earth).
- Enhancement: Import of some of files in the format TomTom OV2.
- Enhancement: iGO Primo safety alerts with codes over 5 are supported (thanks to: Bruno Lobo).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Create Objects | Select Type for Every New Object' enables type selection for every new object.
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Create Objects | Enter Label for Every New Object' enables entering label for every new object (thanks to: maxdddca).
- Fix: Layout for long numbers along roads (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: The work of the context menu item 'Modify | Type...' for bookmarks.
- Fix: Outlining labels with Japanese, Chinese and Arabic characters.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Latin American Spanish (thanks to: Marcelo Rodriguez Claude) and Ukrainian.
Names of Garmin and Navitel types are translated to Latin American Spanish (thanks to: Marcelo Rodriguez Claude) and Tatar (thanks to: Irek Khaziev).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 70.0)
(September 14th, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: Loading and export of waypoints from Nokia Landmark Exchange files (.LMX). Only XML-based version of this format is supported.
- New feature: Loading of waypoints, routes and tracks from Lowrance .USR files.
- Fix: Crash while selection of city in the list by pressing initial letters (thanks to: Moiseikin, sersenk).
- Enhancement: The automatic conversion of numbering along roads to hidden address points while export to NM2 may be adjusted manually.
The settings are extra attributes in the MP header:
- "Nm2_ConvertNumbers": the value "0" turns off the conversion. By default, the conversion is enabled.
- "Nm2_MinStepOfNumbers": it defines minimum step expressed in meters among succeeding address points (it affects the size of NM2 file). By default, the step is 15 m.
- Fix: While export to .NM2, overflow of certain data fields due to huge amount of data is detected and reported to avoid incorrect file output (thanks to: Daniel Pozzi).
- Fix: After modifying map properties, the line "Locale=0x20eee3ee" is not added anymore to the header of .MP file (thanks to: soldat).
- Fix: On polylines merging, the attribute "One way" is determined the same way as "Polyline has direction":
it becomes set, only if all the merged roads have the corresponding flag set (thanks to: Gary Turner).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 69.1)
(September 6th, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: New type set "Navitel and Garmin" is introduced. It enables all the features specific for "Navitel" as well as for "Garmin".
NOTE: This feature requires license key.
In demo mode, such type set is automatically reset to "Navitel" on each opening of the map.
- New feature: Loading of tracks in format of iGO 8 (.TRK).
Loading and export of tracks in format of iGO Primo (.TRK).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Italian (thanks to: Caty Mag).
Names of Garmin and Navitel types are translated to Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian.
- Fix: Out of memory while exporting some maps with numbering along roads to Navitel .NM2 format (thanks to: Daniel Pozzi).
- Fix: Crash while creating of strip in some cases (thanks to: Sergey Bogdanov).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 68.2)
(August 23rd, 2011)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash while start in certain cases (thanks to: Valiev Amir, john yong).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 68.1)
(August 21st, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: The attributes of Polish format "Label2" and "Label3" are supported for maps with type set "Garmin".
The attributes are loadable also from Garmin IMG format.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Japanese (beta-version based on automatic translation) is added.
The localization for Persian is enhanced (thanks to: Reza Amyari).
Transliteration tables for Japanese kanas and for Persian to Latin are added.
Names of Garmin types in Polish language are fixed (thanks to: Alf/red/).
- Enhancement: Confirmation message is provided before deleting objects (thanks to: Sergey Shetsko).
The confirmation may be turned off using the menu item 'Tools | Options...', "Edit" tab, checkbox "Confirm deleting objects".
- Enhancement: In the window "Object Properties", the tab "Comment" is added; the field "Comment" is removed from the "Properties" tab.
- Enhancement: In the window "Object Properties", the tab "Extras" is enhanced (adding, removing and editing of separate attributes is now supported).
- Enhancement: In the window "Map Properties", the tab "Extras" is enhanced.
- Fix: In the tool "Create Object | Polygon" and "Polygon: Strip", inserting a last point of contour now does not require cursor shifting (thanks to: sersenk).
- Enhancement: In the tool "Select Objects", sticking to neighbours is now applied to dragged POIs and bookmarks (thanks to: Vladimir).
- Enhancement: In the GPS protocol NMEA-0183, the sentences with the prefix "GN" are supported (the mixed mode GLONASS + GPS) (thanks to: Alexey Rodionov).
- Enhancement: Numbering along roads may be edited for maps with type set "Navitel".
Being exported to .NM2 format, these numbers are automatically converted to hidden addressable points with type 0x2800.
- Fix: Crash while exporting of some of maps into the format NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 (thanks to: Igor A. Sichev, autostavrroute, Albert Semenov).
- Fix: Crash while loading some of files "gmapsup2.img" (thanks to: Dmitry Kurochka).
- Fix: Crash while creation of new polygons due to out of memory (thanks to: Albert Semenov, Monstria).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 67.2)
(May 26th, 2011)
The change log:
- New feature: The installer is available (thanks to: Michael Schlenstedt).
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Polish (beta-version, (thanks to: Alf/red/) and French (beta-version based on automatic translation) is added.
- Enhancement: Localization of type sets "Holux/ALAN" and "Lowrance" as well as names of bookmark types for Portuguese (Brazil) is added
(thanks to: Camilo Barreto, Janio Barbosa).
- Fix: Loading of some of Garmin .IMG files with custom 3-byte types of objects (thanks to: Jurgen Dittrich).
- Fix: Automatic correction of RoadID и NodeID attributes in some cases (thanks to: Alexander Haag).
- Fix: On exiting application with unsaved changes, pressing ESC now cancels exit but not saving (thanks to: iks).
- Fix: Enabling/disabling the "Locate" button in the list of cities (thanks to: maxdddca).
- Fix: Context menu button behaviour (thanks to: CDRR.mechanic).
- Enhancement: Mouse wheel behaviour for some of mouses (thanks to: Agapov).
- Enhancement: If "Google Maps" is turned on, all context menus are extended with sub-menu 'Google Maps'.
- Fix: The context menu item 'Google Maps | Refresh Tile' is now enabled for just started application with all tiles available from the cache
(thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Fix: Crash while exporting of some maps to the format .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 (thanks to: _Igor_).
- Enhancement: Automatic removal of track jitters is now suppressed for artifically created tracks (thanks to: RAFA).
- Enhancement: Pressing Alt+Enter now shows Properties, provided that some object is selected (thanks to: vasketsov).
- Fix: Converting to polygon or polyline now preserves the selection (thanks to: vasketsov).
- New feature: In the context menu of the tool 'Create Object | Polyline', menu item 'End (with closing)' is added (thanks to: vasketsov).
- Enhancement: In the "Object Properties" window, "Address" tab, the field "Number:" may be increased or decreased by keyboard up/down
arrow buttons (thanks to: Neznayka).
- Enhancement: Pressing Enter now closes all input boxes like "ОК" even if the input focus is moved to some another button
(thanks to: Neznayka).
- Enhancement: The tool 'Create Object' preserves the kind of created object after re-starting GPSMapEdit.
- Enhancement: The buttons "Last" preserve their state after re-starting GPSMapEdit (thanks to: ian).
- Fix: Removal of points of polygon hole in some cases (thanks to: AlexMel).
- Fix: "Stick to Neighbours" now works for maps without zoom levels (thanks to: dimkin_k).
- Fix: The context menu item 'Points...' now works for maps without zoom levels (thanks to: PbIXTOP).
- Fix: "Snap to Grid" now does not affect dragging of bookmarks.
- Fix: "Snap to Grid" for creation of rectangles and polygon strips ('Tools | Create Object | Polygon: Rectangle' and 'Polygon: Strip')
(thanks to: AlexMel).
- Fix: Incorrect splitting numbering along roads while splitting polyline in some cases (thanks to: Lesha37).
- Enhancement: To achieve similar behaviour with the other tools, the tool 'Tools | Create Object | Polygon: Strip') now completes
creation at the last added point - in contrast to current cursor position as earlier (thanks to: Dr.B).
- Enhancement: The tools creating polylines, polygons and polygon strips now show additional contour of future object based on last added point
(the difference of contours is highlighted using lighter color).
- Enhancement: The support of skins for Navitel 3.5 and 5.0 (thanks to: sam_no).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 66.7)
(December 5th, 2010)
The change log:
- Fix: Error in "Verify Map" in some cases (thanks to: Sergey Lip).
- Fix: Not showing context menus after some time of work (thanks to: CoBra).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 66.4)
(December 4th, 2010)
The change log:
- New feature: Exporting bookmarks to comma-separated values table (.CSV) (menu item 'File | Export | Bookmarks to | Comma-separated text file (*.csv)').
Each type of bookmarks is exported to separate .CSV file into the folder selected by user.
- New feature: New types of bookmarks are introduced: "Custom POI" (custom POIs for Garmin POI Loader and TomTom OV2),
"Speed camera" (speedcams for Garmin POI Loader and iGO).
- New feature: Import and export of custom POIs and speedcams in the format of Garmin POI Loader .CSV as bookmarks of the corresponding types
mentioned above.
- New feature: Import and export of custom POIs in the format TomTom .OV2 as bookmarks of the type "Custom POI".
- New feature: Import and export of speedcams in the .TXT format for iGO as bookmarks of the type "Speed camera".
- Enhancement: In the window "Properties" for bookmarks, the support of TAB, SHIFT+TAB, UP, DOWN buttons is added.
- Enhancement: In the window "Properties" for bookmarks, the "Time" field is added to define exact time associated with bookmark.
(NOTE: The time is stored inside .MP file as GMT, and it is converted to local time before showing it.)
- New feature: New menu item 'View | Camera View' shows tool for capturing JPEG image from external or built-in camera.
If GPS positioning is turned on, image is saved with current position in the EXIF header.
NOTE: This feature requires license key.
In demo mode, the function is availabe during 1 minute from the first using after every launching GPSMapEdit.
The camera must support Microsoft DirectShow. Image is captured in the resolution of current video stream (high-definition photo resolution, if any, is not supported).
The photo taking is not available under Windows 98/2000.
- Enhancement: In the window "Properties" for bookmarks with type "File link/Photo", the button for taking photograph from camera is added.
Depending on the settings, the reference to the image file may be stored by absolute path as well as by relative one to current map.
- Enhancement: Toolbar may have multiple lines of buttons depending on the width of the main window.
- Enhancement: GUI localization for Portuguese (Brazil) (translated by Camilo Barreto) and Persian (translated by Farhad Kiani) is available.
- Enhancement: Mirrored GUI for Middle East languages (e.g. Arabic, Persian, Hebrew) is supported. In this update, mirrored GUI is available for Persian.
- Enhancement: Translation of type names in German, Russian and Spanish is updated for the type sets "Garmin" and "Navitel".
- Enhancement: Translation of type names for the type sets "Garmin" and "Navitel" is added for 28 new languages.
- Enhancement: New transliteration table (the file .\_Transliteration\trans-pl.dat) for Polish to Latin is added (thanks to: Ar't).
- Enhancement: In the settings, 'Common' tab, the list "Interface language" now shows additionally all the languages the type names translated to,
in combination with English (U.S.) for the main GUI interface.
- Enhancement: Localized type names are shown everywhere in GPSMapEdit instead of former type names in English. In the window "Select Type",
the column with type names in English is preserved, but as complimentary one to the column with localized type names.
- Enhancement: All the files type-*.dat responsible for type names translation are moved to the subfolder .\_Types. All these files are now encoded in UTF-8
(however ANSI encoding is still supported too.)
- Enhancement: New menu item 'View | Outline Labels' shows/hides the outline for labels (thanks to: Doozer).
- Fix: Automatic selection of color for label outlining is fixed.
- Fix: On menu item 'Edit | Select | By Type...', the button "OK" is enabled initially for the list of types (thanks to: Mik.RU).
- Fix: Crash while exporting some of maps to format .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 (thanks to: Peyo Labov, autostavrroute).
- Fix: Menu item 'View | Show Labels' now affects bookmarks.
- Fix: Menu item 'View | Show Numbers along Roads' now affects selected road (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Edit Points', the inner area of selected polygons is not outlined. Instead, only contour is outlined
(thanks to: L_G).
- Fix: Copying bookmarks in some cases.
- Fix: Sorting of some columns in some lists (e.g. the list of attached files) now is case-insensitive (thanks to: vasketsov).
- Fix: Sticking of polyline and polygon points is not applied to neighbour note drawings (thanks to: Doozer).
- Enhancement: Automatic resizing of the in-place edit box for labels (thanks to: topograf).
- Enhancement: The projection "EPSG:3395" is supported for .ECW format (thanks to: topograf).
- Fix: Crash while viewing some of EXIF photographs (thanks to: Evgeniy Ukhanov).
- Enhancement: Before pasting from clipboard, warning about inconsistent set of zoom levels is shown (thanks to: Ar't).
- New feature: Converting polyline to note drawing (context menu item 'Modify | Kind | Convert to Note Drawing') (thanks to: Dr.B).
- New feature: Converting waypoint to bookmark (context menu item 'Convert to | Bookmark...').
- Enhancement: In the list of cities, new column "Locatable" is added. It shows is there a point object indexed as corresponding city.
- Enhancement: The appearnce of "Verify Map" window is changed: the set of available checks is now shown as tree; all the checks are sorted by categories.
- Enhancement: The list of checks in "Verify Map" is extended by new checks of map header, labels, cities etc.
For maps with the type set "Garmin", new "Check for limit of 60 routing nodes per road" is added (thanks to: Jan Vanslembrouck).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 65.0)
(August 20th, 2010)
The change log:
- New feature: Automatic saving of map. Adjusted using menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'Load & Save' tab.
Current map xxx.MP with unsaved modifications is saved periodicaly to file xxx.AUTOSAVED.MP, which one is automatically deleted after
each successfull saving of original xxx.MP. Before loading of xxx.MP, existence of newer xxx.AUTOSAVED.MP file is detected
(indicating previous crashing of application), and it is renamed to xxx.MP by user's confirmation (while original file is renamed to xxx.BAK).
NOTE: This feature requires license key.
- New feature: New concept "note drawing" is introduced: note drawing is free-hand drawing of any color and thickness, being non-"true" polyline,
devoted to express some temporary visual notes for mapper's own needs.
To create a note drawing, please use menu item 'Tools | Create Object | Note Drawing'. Note drawings are stored only
in MP files; they do not affect any "target" map formats to export (like .IMG or .NM2).
- Enhancement: Showing outlined labels.
- Fix: Loading geo-tagged Exif photographs with header in big endian format (thanks to: Evgeniy Ukhanov).
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Find by Address...' in some cases (thanks to: Lesha37).
- Fix: Crash in semi-automatic vectorizer in some cases (thanks to: Roman Ryzhenko).
- Fix: Splitting numbering along street by 'Split Polyline' in some cases (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: In 'File | Map Properties', 'Bounds' tab, showing map's extents is added (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: 4th step of the import wizard of shapefiles (.SHP) and MapInfo MIF/MID: the field "Scale Factor" is added, and the list of coordinate systems now
supports "Transverse Mercator" explicitly.
In addition, the coordinate system "Map Grid of Australia" is added (as alias of "UTM South") (thanks to: Chris Brown).
- Enhancement: Adjusting proxy server for Google Maps (menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'Google Maps' tab) via launching corresponding control panel of Windows.
- Enhancement: Adjusting bit rate of COM port for GPS receiver over NMEA-0183 protocol (menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'GPS Tracking' tab).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 64.1)
(August 3rd, 2010)
The change log:
- Fix: Selection of previous type while creation of new object (thanks to: Lesha37).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 64.0)
(August 3rd, 2010)
The change log:
- New feature: New menu item 'Tools | Special | Split Multi-Element Routable Roads'.
- New feature: GUI localization for Russian is available.
- Enhancement: The color of new object may be adjusted as fixed as well as inverted (menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'Edit' tab,
check box 'Invert the color on background').
- Fix: Application deadlocking after attaching raster map or track in some cases (thanks to: monstria, vasketsov).
- Enhancement: On application crashing, mini-dump is written automatically to the subfolder \Errors to help bug researching.
- Fix: Showing numbers over 65535 for street/house numbering (thanks to: Brett Hodgson).
- Fix: Import of extra attributes from SHP and MapInfo MIF/MID formats (thanks to: Brent Cannard).
- Enhancement: The default setting for 'Transparent polygons view' is now fully transparent (provided that the setting was not modified earlier).
- Enhancement: On position input (menu item 'View | Go to Position...'), the lat/lon values are verified for valid range (thanks to: AG17).
- Fix: If "RoadId" attribute of road is greater then 1048575, it is automatically replaced to smallest free number
while saving to MP file (only for maps with type set "Garmin").
- Fix: Showing empty list of bookmark types in some cases (thanks to: PbIXTOP).
- Fix: The action of buttons 'Last' in 'Object Properties', 'Address' tab (thanks to: vasketsov).
- Fix: On loading of multiple files, GPSMapEdit now continues loading even after failed loading of some of the files
(thanks to: EvgeniyUkhanov).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 63.0)
(June 15th, 2010)
The change log:
- New feature: Geo-tagged .JPG photograph (Exif format) may be added to the current map as bookmark using 'File | Add' (thanks to: caprice93).
- Fix: Infinite loop while saving .MP file with 'Comment' attribute containing null character (thanks to: Mikael Nordlund).
- Fix: Reading of city data from "NumbersX=" attribute in .MP files (thanks to: PbIXTOP).
- Fix: Showing newly created polygon until 3rd point insertion (thanks to: maxdddca).
- Fix: Menu item 'Tools | Fix Routing Attributes for Roads' immediately updates the view of roads in the mode 'Highlight Road Classes'
(thanks to: maxdddca).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 62.1)
(June 8th, 2010)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Find by Address' (thanks to: Ar't).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 62.0)
(June 7th, 2010)
The change log:
- Enhancement: Independent showing/hiding attached raster maps and vector data (two menu items: 'View | Show Attached Raster Maps' and
'View | Show Attached Waypoints/Routes/Tracks').
- New feature: Context menu of the tool 'Edit Nodes' clicked at any edge of a polygon provides new item 'Bisect Polygon Here'.
This menu item bisects polygon by line perpendicular to the edge.
- New feature: Multiple points may be converted to bookmarks (please see the context menu item 'Modify | Kind | Convert to Bookmark...').
- New feature: Changing type for multiple bookmarks (please see the context menu item 'Modify | Type...').
- Enhancement: New mode "Diamonds" is available to display polyline and polygon vertices in the tool 'Tools | Edit Nodes'. The mode may be selected at menu item
'Tools | Options', 'Edit' tab, combobox 'Node shape' (thanks to: L_G).
- Enhancement: Better showing of rubber line of newly created object and while moving vertices of an existing object (thanks to: L_G).
- Enhancement: Multiple selection in 'Tools | Edit Postal Address Items' is allowed; deleting a single item keeps selection to the next one, if any
(thanks to: vasketsov).
- Enhancement: Buttons of the toolbar having sub-menus now display their pressed state correctly.
- New feature: The button of toolbar 'Highlight Road Classes' provides sub-menu to setup the filter of kind of vehicles to highlight as dashed lines.
To setup the colors for such highlighting, please use menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'View' tab, button "Colors for Routing Classes".
- New feature: Importing format ArcView .MDB (menu item 'File | Import | ESRI database (*.mdb)').
- Enhancement: All trans-*.dat files with transliteration tables are moved to the subfolder \_Transliteration relative to mapedit.exe.
- Enhancement: Tracking changes of currently edited map from any outside applications, showing warning messages about such changes.
- Enhancement: Showing warning message on opening and on re-saving read-only .MP files (thanks to: Evg33).
- Fix: Changing type of routable polyline to non-routable type (e.g., highway to railway) the polyline is now removed from
the routing graph (thanks to: ian).
- Enhancement: New item 'Customize Menu & Toolbar' is added to the context menu of the toolbar.
- Enhancement: The list box in the 'Customize Menu & Toolbar' now shows icons from the toolbar buttons.
- Enhancement: The list of bookmarks (menu item 'View | List of Bookmarks') shows icons of bookmark types, and the count of selected bookmarks
is displayed.
- Enhancement: The button "Refresh" is added to menu item 'File | Map Properties', 'Bounds' tab (thanks to: Dr.B).
- Enhancement: The shapefiles (.SHP) and MapInfo MIF/MID import wizard now provides additional 3rd step allowing to define relationships among table
columns and additional attributes (it was previously available at the 2nd step), plus the checkbox "Save all input fields to 'comment' attribute".
- Enhancement: The 3rd step of the import wizard now supports table columns describing the numbering along street in form of 2 starting and 2 ending
numbers (left/right) per polyline.
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Find by Address' now saves the selected city, and displays the count of found streets (thanks to: jurka, PbIXTOP).
- Fix: Performance of 'Verify Map' for polygons checking now does not depend on area covered by attached tracks or waypoints (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: The input fields of time intervals for turn restrictions are verified to be less or equal 24 hours and less or equal 59 minutes
(thanks to: Lesha37).
- Fix: Menu item 'View | Locate Selection' now may switch zoom level to ensure the selection becomes visible (thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Enhancement: On loading any type of track, all detected 'jumps' (in time and space) are automatically replaced with breaks into two or more
separated track parts.
- Enhancement: The menu item 'Tools | Clear External Nodes' is replaced to 'Tools | Reset External Nodes', that resets the flag of external node,
but no turn restrictions are added.
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Split Map to Files' defines the prefix "s-" for files in south hemispere (instead of previous prefix "-")
for better sorting of resulting files in the Explorer. Splitting with custom step multiple of 6x4 now uses file naming like 'N_M-37_38'.
- Fix: Result of pressing button "Copy from Nearest Address" (in Object Properties) in some cases (thanks to: autostavrroute).
- Fix: Refreshing the list of attached files (menu item 'View | List of Attachments') after pressing button "Add" (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: Applying 'Reverse Polyline' to numbering along street in some cases (thanks to: Tomasz Babczynski, Gary Turner).
- Fix: Printing length over 100 miles, provided that length is displayed in miles (thanks to: Darren Besler).
- Fix: Menu item 'Tools | Remove Duplicates' now does not set map modification flag if no one duplicate is detected (thanks to: iks).
- Fix: Crash while importing POI from external table containing fields over 255 characters (menu item 'Tools | Create POI by Address').
- Fix: Crash while saving .MP file for a map with objects having "EndLevels=" attribute over actual amount of zoom levels
(thanks to: Dan Koerner, Syed Amer Ali).
- Fix: Reading relative paths to attached files from .MP file in some cases (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: Loading more kinds of turn restrictions from Garmin .IMG (thanks to: Bruno Maroccia).
- Fix: Crash on loading some Garmin .IMG files with custom type points (thanks to: Ron Cornelius).
- Fix: Incorrect exporting strings to format Holux .CRD and .ARD.
- Fix: Indexing of 1- and 2-character strings while export to format .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6.
- Enhancement: Export to obsolete versions of the format .NM2 for Navitel 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.4 is now hidden by default from menu 'File | Export'.
These formats may be turned on using menu item 'Tools | Options', 'Load & Save' tab.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 61.3)
(January 12nd, 2010)
The change log:
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
NOTE: If you even after upgrading still get the "(Failed)" messages, please wait
about 1 day without accessing Google Maps or change you IP address (if possible) to reset
the blocking.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 61.1)
(November 25th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash after using 'Tools | Find by Address', deleting objects and re-saving map
(thanks to: PbIXTOP).
- Fix: Sorting of house numbers in 'Tools | Find by Address' (thanks to: AG17).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 61.0)
(November 24th, 2009)
The change log:
- New feature: Searching objects by their postal address attributes: city, street, number
(menu item 'Tools | Find by Address...'). Numbering along polylines is not yet supported.
NOTE: This feature requires license key.
In demo mode, the function is availabe during 1 minute from the first using after every launching GPSMapEdit.
- New feature: The support of attribute "RestrParam=" (kinds of vehicles applied to turn restriction)
and "Time=" (time period of turn restriction) in the section "[Restr]" of Polish format. Similar data are
also loaded from Garmin IMG files.
- New feature: Double-clicking at checked turn restriction icon shows "Properties" box of
the turn restriction: kinds of vehicle, time periods (NOTE: available only for maps with type set "Garmin").
- New feature: The tool 'Test Routing Graph' now takes into account the selected time and kind of vehicle
applied to turn restrictions.
- New feature: New menu item 'View | List of Turn Restrictions...' shows the list of turn restrictions.
- Enhancement: The context menu item 'Extract All Elements' is appliable to multiple selection.
- Enhancement: In menu item 'Edit | Select by Type', the counter of selected types and
the button "Select All" is added.
- New feature: The new menu items are introduced:
- 'Edit | Select | All Points';
- 'Edit | Select | All Polylines';
- 'Edit | Select | All Polygons';
- 'Edit | Select | All Roads'.
- Enhancement: Showing count of selected objects at status bar.
- Fix: Removing jitter at 0-th point of polygon by 'Tools | Special | Remove Jitters'
(thanks to: dima-100).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'View | List of Attachments...', the button "Add..." is added
(thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: Storing relative paths to attached files in .MP (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Enhancement: If "NodeId" attribute of routing node is greater then 1048575, it is automatically
replaced to smallest free number while saving to MP file (only for maps with type set "Garmin").
- Enhancement: The list of track points (the tab 'Points' in track Properties) shows faster.
- Enhancement: Automatic removal of self-intersections and jitters in polygons created using
'Tool | Create'.
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Fix: Some issues in export to NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 60.0)
(October 20th, 2009)
The change log:
- Enhancement: Font adjustment (menu item 'Tools | Options...', 'View' tab, button 'Font...').
- New feature: Floating windows for fast scale selection (may be turned on by menu item
'View | Show Scale Selector').
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Convert Labels', the checkbox is added to enable converting all
the string attributes like city name, street, description.
- Enhancement: Paste makes snapping to grid provided that the setting 'Snap to Grid' is on
(thanks to: Darth Vader).
- Fix: Crash while opening huge .MPS files with size over 32 MB (thanks to: Arthur Gurov).
- Fix: The context menu item 'Extract Element' applied to outer contour of polygon with holes
(thanks to: Dr.B).
- Fix: Crash under Windows Vista on moving windows after loading a raster map (thanks to: alex_nb).
- Fix: 'Tools | Verify Map': checking for dead ends without routing nodes is applied to 0-th zoom
level only (thanks to: _Igor_).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 59.2)
(September 28th, 2009)
The change log:
(September 28th, 2009)
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Verify Map' while checking for dead ends without routing nodes (thanks to: Gary Turner).
- Fix: Deadlocking while opening MP with broken attachment links (thanks to: LS_D).
- Fix: Crash by selection of POI element (with holding SHIFT) and further 'Zoom to Window' in context menu
(thanks to: Neznayka).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 59.1)
(September 26th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Verify Maps' while checking polygons for self-intersections (thanks to: gsa).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 59.0)
(September 25th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Now the application is compatible with Microsoft Windows 7.
- New feature: New items of the context menu of the tool 'Select Objects':
- 'Modify | Routing | Save' - save all routing-related attributes of selected road;
- 'Modify | Routing | Restore' - restore the saved routing-related attributes to the selected road(s);
- 'Modify | Postal Address | Save' - save all postal address attributes ('city', 'zip code', 'street', 'number') of selected object;
- 'Modify | Postal Address | Restore without Number' - restore the saved attributes 'city', 'zip code' and 'street' to selected object(s);
- 'Modify | Postal Address | Restore with Number/Label Increment' - restore the saved attributes 'city', 'zip code' and 'street',
increase the saved house number by 1 and copy it to 'number' and 'label'. Repeated applying increases the number by 1 more etc.
It is recommended to press button F4 (repeat the last command of context menu) for fast distributing series of house numbers.
- Enhancement: While opening MP files all the warnings about lost attachments now directed to the Message Log.
- Enhancement: The window "Message Log" now does not block the main window.
- Enhancement: New panel is added to the status bar (second one from the left side) to show the counter of warning in the Message Log. Clicking the panel opens
the window "Message Log".
- New feature: The button to save bookmark for current GPS position is added to window "GPS Tracking".
- New feature: Pressing CTRL+Enter creates bookmark for current GPS position (provided that GPS receiver is connected).
- Enhancement: New checkbox "Show tracks/routes above map" in the menu 'Tools | Options', 'View' tab.
- Enhancement: Rendering tracks is made faster on overview scales.
- Enhancement: Automatic filtering tracks of all types for 'jitters'.
- Enhancement: Reading some of damaged MPS files.
- Enhancement: The tool 'Tool | Test Routing Graph' shows both distance and duration of the built route.
- Enhancement: The tool 'Tool | Create', canceling type selection for created POI now cancels its creating.
- Enhancement: Polylines and polygons created by the automatic vectorizer in the 'Tool | Create' now filtered for jitters.
- New feature: New menu item 'Tools | Special | Remove Jitters in Polygons' is added.
- Enhancement: Check for road's dead ends without routing nodes is added to 'Tools | Verify Map'.
- Enhancement: Some warnings about polygons overlapping and self-itersections made more correct in 'Tools | Verify Map' (thanks to: prosso).
- Enhancement: The color of circle about selected POI(s) may be adjusted ('Tools | Options', 'Edit' tab, 'Colors for Selection...' button)
(thanks to: Vovan_Alm).
- Fix: Crash while exporting some maps to Lowrance LCM (thanks to: wei ma).
- Fix: Crash on 'Edit | Select by Type' while raster map is selected (thanks to: gorbva).
- Fix: Crash deadlocking after skin loading error (thanks to: _Michael_).
- Fix: Failure to load some medium-sized raster images in the format OziExplorer .Map due to out of memory (thanks to: Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while loading some Garmin IMG files (thanks to: giannis_05).
- Fix: Crash after editing turn restrictions followed by the routing node removal (thanks to: Anar Hidirli).
- Fix: The warning "Please be aware of non-0 level is used to create the new object" is no more shown for bookmarks (thanks to: Ar't).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 58.0)
(August 16th, 2009)
The change log:
- New feature: New concept "bookmark" is introduced: bookmark is a marked map place (being non-POI) used
to keep various comments like errors found at map and so on. Any bookmark has type, sub-type and attributes
from the list defined by textual user-customizable schemas which are stored in the subfolder \_BookmarkTypes.
A bookmark may also define heading.
To create a bookmark, please use menu item 'Tools | Create Object | Bookmark'. Bookmarks are stored only
in MP files; they do not affect any "target" map formats to export (like .IMG or .NM2).
- New feature: Import and export of Navitel speedcams (please see menu items
'File | Import | Navitel Speedcams to Bookmarks' and 'File | Export | Bookmarks to | Navitel Speedcams').
- New feature: Export to Lowrance .LCM (thanks to: Fiz Stein).
- New feature: Type set "Lowrance" is introduced.
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: Loading from Garmin .IMG now supports routing graph.
- New feature: Find routing node by ID (please use menu 'Edit | Find | Routing Node by ID...').
- New feature: Find road by RoadID (please use menu 'Edit | Find | Road by RoadID...').
- Enhancement: Loading GPX tracks is made faster.
- Fix: Crash while loading some .GPX files (thanks to: Artem).
- Enhancement: The attribute "LeftSideTraffic=Y" in the header of MP files is supported.
- Enhancement: The datum EPSG:7059 and the projection EPSG:3785 is recognized for raster maps in .ECW format.
- Fix: Selection by rectangle and by polygon now takes into account only visible objects
(thanks to: olavin, AlexPro).
- Fix: Sticking now takes into account only visible objects (thanks to: P.Platonov).
- Enhancement: Current map skin for the default type set is used in the shapefile import wizard.
- Fix: Crashes while editing entry points (thanks to: Andrew2910, _Michael_).
- Enhancement: Sticking to entry point.
- Fix: Visualization of entry points in some cases.
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Verify Map' while checking polygons overlapping in some cases (thanks to: prosso).
- Fix: 'Tools | Verify Map' - the step in 'too close nodes' is diminished to 2.3 m for Garmin maps (thanks to: Jeroen Boomgaardt).
- Fix: Crash while exporting to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 (thanks to: Trufanov A.N., Alexander Snezhnevsky).
- Fix: The message "Ignore invalid city" previously preventing export to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 is removed (thanks to: Eugene Zyatkov).
- Fix: Loading 3-byte types of points from TXT/TYP map skins in some cases (thanks to: k2roble).
- Fix: Non-optimal routes in 'Tools | Test Routing Graph' in "fastest path" mode in some cases
(thanks to: Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while saving MP in some cases (thanks to: Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while copying in some cases (thanks to: Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while some map changes (thanks to: Dust65).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 57.3)
(May 15th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Reading of some Garmin TXT/TYP skins (thanks to: Sersenk).
- Fix: Unexpected activation resetting in some cases (thanks to: Maxdddca).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 57.2)
(May 14th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Fix: Short string indexing while export to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6.
- Fix: Crash while vectorization with cursor passing edge of working area (thanks to: Syed Amer Ali).
- Fix: Crash after saving to .MP in some cases (thanks to: Nekhodtsev Andrew).
- Fix: Crash after copy/paste of an object with deleted entry point (thanks to: Andrew2910).
- Enhancement: Context menu of toolbar allows to change the width of buttons (thanks to: Fomil).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 57.0)
(May 4th, 2009)
The change log:
- New feature: The semi-automatic vectorizer tool is introduced (please see menu items
'Tools | Create Object | Polyline: Vectorized' and 'Tools | Create Object | Polygon: Vectorized').
The vectorizer draws polyline along sharpest contrast in raster base between two sequentially clicked points.
Holding CTRL temporarily disables vectorization for the last segment making it stright line.
The best result is achieved in vectorization of hydrography objects (lakes, rivers) from space/aero images.
NOTE: This feature requires license key.
In demo mode, vectorizer is availabe during 1 minute from the first using after every launching GPSMapEdit.
- Enhancement: Menu item 'Tools | Create Object | Polyline' and 'Polygon': holding CTRL temporarily activates
the above mentioned semi-automatic vectorizer to be applied to the last segment. Releasing CTRL restores
ordinary behaviour.
- Enhancement: Multiple entry points per object may be defined (only for maps with typeset "Navitel").
- New feature: Export to format NM2 for Navitel Navigator 3.2.6 (please see menu item
'File | Export | Navitel 3.2.6 map (*.nm2)').
- Fix: Export to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.4 in some cases.
- Enhancement: Loading any 'container' file in Garmin IMG format (e.g. gmapsupp.img) shows the list of submaps
to select.
- Fix: Loading house numbers and other postal address items of POIs from Garmin IMG in some cases.
- Fix: Loading last digit of house numbers of POIs from Garmin IMG in some cases (thanks to: Charles Atlas).
- Fix: Loading phone numbers from Garmin IMG in some cases (thanks to: haword).
- Fix: Stack overflow while loading GPX file with very long text attributes inside (thanks to: Ar't).
- Enhancement: Faster merging external nodes of routing graph in menu item 'File | Add...' (thanks to: dyp).
- Enhancement: Automatic extending work area while recording track (thanks to: Fomil).
- Enhancement: In the window 'GPS Tracking', the button showing the folder with recorded tracks is added.
- Enhancement: The datums GDA94 and NZGD2000 are added.
- Enhancement: Menu item 'View | Attachments' - the button "Refresh" is added (thanks to: Vasketsov).
- Enhancement: After applying 'Merge Polylines', the new polyline becomes selected (thanks to: Vasketsov).
- Fix: The generalization degree of track while converting it to polyline.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 56.2)
(March 20th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Loading of Garmin IMG (thanks to: haword, E_I).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 56.0)
(March 19th, 2009)
The change log:
- Enhancement: "3-byte" types are supported in MP files.
- Enhancement: Loading of Garmin IMG:
"3-byte" types are supported (thanks to: Jurgen Dittrich) and reading phone numbers in some cases (thanks to: jgarminimg).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map': search for 2-way roundabouts.
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Create Object': switching to different tool and returning back now does not reset
incomplete polygon or polyline (thanks to: stalker).
- Enhancement: In the import wizard of SHP and MapInfo MIF/MID, the coordinate system NZTM2000 (thanks to: James Broadley) and Dutch RD grid (thanks to: Guido Schmidt) is supported.
- Fix: Crash while verifying polygons in 'Tools | Verify Map' in some cases (thanks to: Ryo Nakagawara).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 55.0)
(February 28th, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: Showing warning about creating an object out of 0-th zoom level (menu 'Tools | Options',
'Edit' tab, the checkbox 'Notify if creating results in object out of 0-th zoom level') (thanks to: IAGSoft).
- Fix: After 'Convert to | Point...', the type selection window offers the type of waypoint to convert
(thanks to: Monstria).
- Fix: Restoring selection of objects after undoing some changes.
- Fix: Crash while attaching second ECW file to the map.
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 54.1)
(February 1st, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: Export to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.4 (thanks to: Mark_KA).
GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 54.0)
(January 31st, 2009)
The change log:
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: The shape and color of nodes visualized in the tool 'Edit Nodes' may be adjusted
(please see menu 'Tools | Options', 'Edit' tab, "Colors for Nodes..." button and "Node shape" field).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map', search for polygon self-intesections is made more effective
(thanks to: Рrosso).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map' searches for "jitters" in polygons (thanks to: Рrosso).
- Enhancement: Loading of MPS and GDB files with huge size.
- Fix: Visualization of waypoints while map skin is selected.
- Enhancement: In map statistics, additional columns are provided with number of objects with
postal address, with contact information, net length and net area - per type. Additional lines are
provided for partial sums for several subsets of types (e.g. all polyline roads).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'View | Show Polygon Contours' is added.
- Fix: Reading of "SubType=" attributes in Garmin TXT/TYP skins for some of types
(thanks to: Buyung Akram).
- Fix: Reading "XPM=" attributes in Garmin TXT/TYP in some cases (thanks to: patton87).
(November 7th, 2008)
- Fix: 'Tools | Verify Map', checking for polygon overlapping now takes zoom levels into account
(thanks to autostavrroute).
- Fix: Crash while exporting some maps to NM2 format (thanks to С. Шецко).
- Fix: 'Tools | Remove Routing Nodes' now keeps 3D-levels of polylines (thanks to AlexPro).
- Enhancement: Show/hide 3D-levels of polylines (menu 'View | Show 3D-levels')
(thanks to gsa).
(November 1st, 2008)
- Fix: Crash in 'Verify Map' (thanks to Михаил_Омск).
- Fix: Minor issues in 'Show in 3D'.
(October 31st, 2008)
- New feature: Export to format NM2 for Navitel Navigator 3.2.4
(please see menu item 'File | Export | Navitel 3.2.4 map (*.nm2)').
- New feature: Elevations of vertices of road polyline may be authored in Node Properties, '3D' tab
(available only for type set "Navitel").
The data are saved in MP format and may be exported only to NM2 for Navitel Navigator 3.2.4.
- New feature: Visualization of such 3D-roads in 3D: right-click at 3D-road, context menu item 'Show in 3D'.
(Pre-installed Direct3D 8.x is required.)
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map': verification for polygon overlapping and self-intersection is fixed
and accelerated (thanks to Prosso).
- Enhancement: Track recording may be performed in GPX format (as well as in former MPS format).
To switch track format: menu item 'Tools | Options', 'GPS Tracking' tab.
- Fix: The result of applying 'Rectify Polygon' in some cases (thanks to Alexander Leschinsky).
- Fix: Skins in format TXT для Garmin TYP, reading XPM with 2 or more characters per pixel (thanks to k2roble).
(September 25th, 2008)
- New feature: The new tool 'Measure Distance' is introduced (menu 'Tools | Measure Distance').
- New feature: Selected menu items and toolbar buttons may be hidden by user -
menu 'Tools | Options', 'Common' tab, press button 'Customize Menu and Toolbar'.
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Create Object', the size of created objects is shown in special
status bar panel (length of polyline, area of polygon, width/length of strip and rectangle,
radius of circle and disk).
(September 14th, 2008)
- Fix: Crash while loading of custom types in Garmin TXT/TYP skins (thanks to IAGSoft).
- Fix: "Night" colors of bitmap fill pattern for polygons and polylines in Garmin TXT/TYP skins (thanks to IAGSoft).
- Fix: Points without the "NightXPM=" attribute in Garmin TXT/TYP skins (thanks to IAGSoft).
(September 13th, 2008)
- Enhancement: The support of custom types in Garmin TXT/TYP skins. (NOTE: "3-byte" types
are NOT supported.)
- Enhancement: The support of attribute "PreProcess=P" value in MP header (for cgpsmapper 097).
- New feature: Show/hide all vector map objects (please see menu 'View | Show Vector Map Objects').
- New feature: Show/hide the polygon 0x4b "Map coverage area" (please see 'View | Show Coverage Area').
- Enhancement: Showing road class and speed limit in map infotip, provided that the corresponding
setting is on (thanks to Vad47).
- Enhancement: The tracks recorded in 'GPS Tracking' remain visible after map reloading.
- Fix: Snap to grid for longitudes over 100 degrees (thanks to Paul Dietl).
- Fix: The result of applying 'Merge Polyline' in some cases (thanks to Gary Turner).
- Fix: In MP format, saving "NodeX=" attribute for multi-element roads in some cases
(thanks to Sergey Legoshin).
- Fix: In MP format, saving "NumbersX=" attribute with country without abbreviated name
(thanks to andrewzz).
(August 18th, 2008)
- Enhancement: The window 'Google Maps Shift': editable list of shifts is added, up-down controls are added.
- Fix: 'Tools | Create POI by Address...', import from external table file:
import of numbers in some cases, crash while import of empty cells in some cases.
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map': polygon overlapping detection in some cases.
- Enhancement: The window 'Attached Objects' (accessible by menu item
'View | List of Waypoints, Tracks, Routes') now does not block the main window.
- Enhancement: The turn restrictions editor window: all the turns being impossible due to one-way roads
now are shown with disabled checkboxes.
- Enhancement: The statistics window: the amount of external nodes is displayed.
- Fix: Performance of 'Edit | Select | by Type...' is restored.
(July 28th, 2008)
- New feature: In 'Tools | Create POI by Address...': added import from external table file
in format CSV, MS Excel XLS, MS Access MDB, dBase DBF, Paradox DB, Visual FoxPro
(available in registered copy only).
- Fix: The support of Google Maps.
- Fix: File selection window under Windows 98/ME (thanks to Mariusz Malinowski).
(July 18th, 2008)
- Fix: Menu 'Tools | Edit Nodes', the behaviour of multiple selection of nodes in some cases.
- Enhancement: The window 'View | Attachments' now does not block the main window.
- Enhancement: In 'View | Attachments', multiple elements of list may be selected (thanks to maxdddca).
- Fix: The support of TXT source for Garmin TYP (thanks to IAGSoft).
- Fix: Loading map skins with upper case in extension (thanks to alex_nilov).
- Fix: Hanging up while loading map with missing map skin (thanks to orktos).
- Fix: Set of selected objects after 'Edit | Select | By Type' in some cases (thanks to Dust65).
- Fix: Hanging up Garmin USB in some cases (thanks to Frank).
(July 4th, 2008)
- Fix: The support of TXT source for Garmin TYP (thanks to Vladimir, Alf/red).
(July 1st, 2008)
- New feature: Map skins may be used to visualize maps (please see menu 'View | Map Skins').
The following two formats of map skin files are supported:
- TXT source for Garmin TYP (NOTE: non-standard types definitions, transparent polygon fill,
rotation of polyline fill patterns and polygon draw order is not supported);
- NS2 for Navitel Navigator 3.x (NOTE: natural width of polylines and text highlighting is not supported).
Each format is appliable to maps with corresponding type set: "Garmin" or "Navitel".
- Fix: Sticking to nodes of neighbour objects in the tool 'Edit Nodes'.
- Fix: Deleting elements of multi-element objects after deleting their nodes (thanks to stalker).
- Fix: Saving the attribute "PolygonEvaluate=Y" to the header of MP file (thanks to Brett Hodgson).
- Enhancement: Playing sound to notify about file export is complete, provided that export takes over 20 s.
- Fix: Crash while merging map without zoom levels (thanks to Alexander Leschinsky).
- Fix: 'Apply' button in 'Properties' window (thanks to iks).
- Enhancement: 'Locate' button in menu 'Tools | Verify Map' sets input focus to the main window (thanks to wildfish).
- Fix: Loading of some attributes of POIs from IMG files (thanks to temp_use).
- MS Windows NT 4.0 is not supported anymore.
(May 22nd, 2008)
- Fix: Infinite loop in load or failure to load some large files in MP and PLT formats (with size over 32 MB) (thanks to gorbva).
- Enhancement: Menu 'Tools | Verify Map': searching for overlapped polygons added,
searching for duplicated routing graph nodes added.
(May 20th, 2008)
- Fix: Work of 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' in some cases (thanks to Kent Wen aka Sliders).
- Fix: Failure to load some large files in MP and PLT formats (with size over 32 MB) (thanks to Alberto Najera).
- Fix: Incorrect log messages while loading ECW without georeferencing information (thanks to thanks to Alessandro Cum).
- Fix: Export to NM2 for Navitel 3.2 (thanks to Serbulov Alexander).
(May 16th, 2008)
- New feature: Menu item 'View | Locate Selection' scrolls and zoom the map to the selected objects.
- New feature: Menu 'Tools | Options...', 'Load&Save' tab - the button "Settings for Polish Format..." is added.
It opens the window with settings for saving to MP format.
- Enhancement: Saving the attribute "PolygonEvaluate=Y" to the header of MP file, if the map
contains multi-element polygons (this is required for cgpsmapper 096).
- Fix: Saving the attribute "NumbersX=" to MP in some cases (thanks to Marco Sabbatini).
- Fix: Loading MP files over 512 MB.
- Fix: Loading OziExplorer PLT tracks over 512 MB.
- Fix: Loading IMG files over 16 MB (thanks to Stan).
- Fix: Selection of some projections in SHP import wizard (thanks to Mikael Nordlund).
- Enhancement: Loading and export of tracks in format TRL for final version of OS 3.x for ALAN Map 500 (thanks to Dimon111).
(May 7th, 2008)
- Fix: Export to format .NM2 for Navitel Navigator 3.2 (thanks to gps_club).
- Fix: Export of routing nodes to format .RUS (thanks to _Igor_).
(May 6th, 2008)
- Fix: Diagnostic messages are provided if export to .NM2 is failed.
- Enhancement: Notification if pasting results in duplicated objects may be turned off in settings
(menu 'Tools | Options', tab 'Edit', checkbox 'Notify if paste results in objects duplicates').
- Enhancement: Keyboard related settings are moved to tab 'Common' (menu 'Tools | Options').
(May 5th, 2008)
- New feature: Export to format .NM2 for Navitel Navigator 3.2.
- Enhancement: Saving to formats .NM2, .NTM, .RUS, .CRD, .LST, .ARD is replaced to export to the same formats
(see menu 'File | Export').
- New feature: Main menu item 'Tools | Repeat [Last Context Menu Command]' repeats last context menu command.
- Fix: Scrolling map while editing is made smoother.
- New feature: The context menu of the tool 'Select Objects' contains new item 'Extract All Elements'.
- New feature: In the tool 'Create', holding SHIFT while creation polylines or polygons makes the entered
anle right. To complete polygon with right angle please use context menu item 'End (Right Angle)'.
- Enhancement: Creation of circles and disks using the tool 'Create':
- the quality of circle made better;
- the direction of circle is changed to counter-clockwise (thanks to AG17);
- interactive showing of resulting rounded polyline.
- Fix: The tool 'Edit Nodes':
- snapping to grid while dragging nodes is restored;
- showing context menu for nodes if no object selected;
- the context menu is available inside polygons.
- Fix: Selecting element by right click + SHIFT if whole object was selected.
- Fix: Selection after pasting (thanks to konung).
- Enhancement: User is notified if pasting mistakenly results in duplicated objects.
- Fix: 'Tools | Generate Routing Graph' now affects routing attributes values only for the objects
without these attributes (thanks to Guido Schmidt).
- Fix: The support of Google Maps.
- Fix: Import of city name from SHP or MIF/MID (thanks to Alberto Najera).
(April 12th, 2008)
- Fix: Polygon rotation in the tool 'Rotate Tool' (thanks to vladj).
- Fix: In the tool 'Edit Nodes' (menu 'Tools | Edit Nodes'):
- unexpected insertion of new node instead of moving existing one (in some cases);
- a few bugs are fixed in nodes selection.
(April 10th, 2008)
- Fix: Crash in the tool 'Drag Map' (thanks to Andrew2910).
(April 9th, 2008)
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Edit Nodes' (menu 'Tools | Edit Nodes'):
- pressing INSERT adds node to nearest segment of selected polygon or polyline;
- multiple selection of nodes by dragging over rectangle area;
- selected nodes may be moved by keyboard arrows + SHIFT;
- dragging an object' segment inserts new node and starts its moving;
- a few bugs are fixed in nodes selection by clicking them;
- selected coinsiding nodes are shown as enlarged diamonds;
- nodes selection is restored by Undo.
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Select Objects' (menu 'Tools | Select Objects'):
- selected objects may be moved by keyboard arrows + SHIFT.
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Create Object' (menu 'Tools | Create Object'):
- new kinds of polygon creation: 'Disk' and 'Circle';
- selection of just created object is fixed;
- sticking to neighbours is highlighted as small red square (like in the tool 'Edit Nodes').
- Enhancement: The colors used to select polyline and nodes are customizable (see menu 'Tools | Options',
'Edit' tab, button 'Colors for Selection...').
- Enhancement: Added support and visualization of the fields <hdop>, <vdop>, <sat>, <fix> in .GPX tracks.
- Enhancement: The attribute "Transparent=S" in .MP header is supported.
- Fix: Crash while selecting or locating POI elements (thanks to Covex).
(March 12th, 2008)
- Fix: Multiple selection of polyline/polygon nodes in the tool 'Edit Nodes'.
(March 11th, 2008)
- New feature: The tool to rotate objects (please see menu 'Tools | Rotate Object').
- Enhancement: Polyline selection is made more visible.
- Enhancement: Multiple selection of polyline/polygon nodes in the tool 'Edit Nodes' (with CTRL pressed).
Dragging of the multiple selection. Deleting the multiple selection by DEL.
- Fix: Highlighting nearest nodes of neighbour polygons and polylines is available only if
the setting 'Stick to Neighbours' is turned on.
- Enhancement: Highlighting nearest nodes of neighbour polygons and polylines is available in the tool
'Create Object'.
- Enhancement: New 39 POI types is added to the typeset "Navitel".
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Test Routing Graph' displays length/time of last built route.
- Fix: 'Tools | Test Routing Graph', some bugs in routing fixed (thanks to Alexander, Dust65, IAGSoft).
(February 21st, 2008)
- New feature: The tool 'Create Object' supports new kinds of polygon creation: 'Strip' and 'Rect'.
- Enhancement: Hot keys may be assigned to menu subitems of 'Tools | Create Object' as well as for
other menu items.
- Enhancement: The tool 'Edit Nodes' highlights nearest nodes of neighbour polygons and polylines
while dragging a node.
- Enhancement: In the window 'Node Properties', 'Routing' tab, the button 'Disable U-Turns' is added
(thanks to pan).
- Fix: The connection to Google Maps is enhanced.
- Enhancement: 'View | GPS Tracking' now scans all available COM-ports, including ones with numbers over 20.
- New feature: 'View | GPS Tracking' supports connection to Garmin GPSr over USB.
- Fix: 'Tools | Test Routing Graph' takes one-way roads into account for bicycles
(thanks to alex_nilov, IAGSoft).
- Fix: The coordinate systems 'Irish Grid' and 'Irish Transverse Mercator' are distinguished
(thanks to Barry Dalby).
(December 25th, 2007)
- Fix: Crash on launching GPSMapEdit on some computers.
- Fix: Autocomplete in the input field 'Street' for just created objects.
- Enhancement: The former limitation for numbers along street is now removed
(thanks to Adrian M Guinsburg).
(December 21st, 2007)
- Enhancement: In the "Properties" window, 'Address' tab, the buttons "Copy to Label" and "Copy Nearest Address"
are added (thanks to maxdddca).
- Enhancement: The input field 'Street' supports autocomplete.
- Enhancement: The parameter "v=" for HTTP-requests to Google Maps is determined automatically;
the corresponding manual setting is removed.
- Enhancement: In the case of slow downloading of Google Maps, the downloaded percent is visualized.
- Fix: Some errors in Google Maps support.
(December 6th, 2007)
- Enhancement: Hot keys for items of the main menu may be customized (see menu 'Tools | Options', 'Edit' tab,
button 'Customize Keyboard...').
- New feature: The tool to assign default values for routing attributes for newly added roads
(menu 'Tools | Fix Routing Attributes for Roads').
- New feature: The tool to create POIs by their known postal addresses (menu 'Tools | Create POI by Address').
- Enhancement: In the 'Properties' window, 'Address' tab, the input fields are reordered. Added buttons
to select attribute values from the list of nearest ones, and the buttons allowing to copy last entered values.
- New feature: New mode of map visualization - highlighting all objects with equal address attributes with
equal colors (menu 'View | Highlight Addresses'). The colors are customizable (see menu 'Tools | Options',
'View' tab, button 'Colors for Address Highlighting...').
- Enhancement: Colours of routing graph nodes are customizable (see menu 'Tools | Options', 'View' tab,
button 'Colors for Routing Nodes...').
- New feature: One more kind of map transformation is introduced: multi-triangle affine transformation,
which uses arbitrary number of basic point pairs (tool 'Transform', the item 'Multi-Triangle Affine' in the
drop-down list of transformation kinds) (thanks to Eugene Kladov).
- Enhancement: HTTP 404 и 403 errors diagnostics for Google Maps.
- Fix: Color of routing graph node after 'Split Polyline' applied to a point being not a routing node
(thanks to mikhalych).
- Fix: Color of routing graph nodes after polyline generalization (thanks to tav513).
- Fix: Crash on disconnecting GPS receiver (thanks to Ivan Komarov).
- Enhancement: Recorded GPS track is shown immediately over the map (thanks to jinx).
- Enhancement: The window 'Tools | Verify Map' does not lock access to map area and to controls.
- Enhancement: Color of polyline type 0x07 "Alleyway" is made distinguishable from one for polyline
type 0x06 "Residential Street".
- Fix: Saving of map coverage polygons (0x4b) to .NM2 format in some cases (thanks to lan).
(September 12th, 2007)
- Enhancement: The changes in Google Maps support:
- launching the program with showing Google Maps is fixed;
- loading tiles in order of distance to the screen center;
- automatic zooming low-resolution tiles in case of absence of high-resolution ones;
- displaying Google level in status bar;
- optional storing cache of downloaded tiles in user-defined folder;
- updating cookie;
- download rate is limited to about 320 kbit/s.
- Enhancement: Copy/paste roads includes turn restrictions (thanks to jinx).
- Enhancement: Color of road graph nodes now indicates the number of connected segments,
but not the count of connected whole polylines as previously.
- Fix: Showing road graph nodes above roads.
- Enhancement: Preserving selected tab in Properties box.
- Fix: 'Rectify Polygon Angles' in some cases (thanks to Dust65).
- Enhancement: Menu 'View | Go to Position' now supports the most of extended Latin characters which are
similar to sign of degree, minute, second (thanks to Cristian Pittaro).
- Fix: Menu 'View | Go to Position', the input in format 'Lat/Lon +ddd.dddddd'
(thanks to Jorg Strachotta).
- Fix: Setup system registry settings under Windows Vista.
(July 31st, 2007)
- New feature: Showing satellite images from Google Maps as map background (please see menu 'View | Show Google Maps')
(available in registered copy only).
NOTE: path and size of the folder with cached files is defined by the system settings.
- New feature: The tool to test road graph by building automatic routes (please see menu 'Tools | Test Routing Graph').
- New feature: The tool to rectify angles of polygon, which are about rectangular
(the context menu item 'Rectify Polygon Angles' of the tool 'Edit Nodes').
- New feature: Loading routes in OziCE RT2 format.
- Enhancement: Tab 'Address' of the 'Properties' box, the button 'Copy Number from Label' is added.
- Enhancement: 51 new datums added (thanks to Kamil Szymanski).
- Fix: Selection after paste is updated.
- Fix: Disabling the fields 'Before point' after switching 'Parity after' to 'None' (thanks to Alf/red/).
- Fix: Saving "NumbersX=" in MP format when polyline' last segment has no numbering data (thanks to Alf/red/).
- Fix: Turn restrictions saving to NM2 in some cases (thanks to jinx).
- Fix: Loading routes from WPR files (thanks to Dmitrij Shabroff).
(May 22nd, 2007)
- New feature: Cleaning up external node attribute for all nodes of the routing graph
(see menu 'Tools | Clean Up External Nodes') (thanks to Nikita Karnauhov).
- Fix: Crash on loading some IMG files (thanks to Dennis Groning).
- Fix: Hang up on map loading with 'File' menu opened (thanks to Maxim Kuzovlev).
- Fix: For maps with type set "Garmin" it is again possible to edit some specific
attributes for city points (thanks to Julian Lilov).
- Fix: Merging polylines at point with routing graph node (thanks to mikhalych).
- Fix: UTF-8 encoding of text attributes while saving to GPX format.
- Fix: Showing house numbering in some cases (thanks to Fernando J. Sanchez Menendez).
(May 13th, 2007)
- New feature: Authoring postal address information along roads (only for maps with
type set "Garmin"). The corresponding data is stored in MP format only.
- Fix: The fields 'City' and 'Zip code' are enabled for roads in maps with type set "Garmin".
- Enhancement: In 'Tools | Edit Postal Address Items...', tab 'Cities', button 'Edit...'
allows to modify region (province, state).
- New feature: Support of saving to format .NM2 (for Navitel Navigator 3.1).
(WARNING: opening .NM2 is not available).
- Fix: Hang up after adding a map with non-matching type set (thanks to Vladimir).
- Fix: Verification of self-intersections in routable roads in 'Tools | Verify Map'
(thanks to OldMan).
- Enhancement: Comma may be used as lat/lon delimiter in 'View | Go to Position' (thanks to Dragni).
- Fix: Loading multi-segment tracks in GPX format.
(April 20th, 2007)
- Fix: Hang up after map loading.
- Fix: Some issues in 'Tool | Verify Map...'.
- Fix: Selecting sub-tools of 'Create Object' and 'Transform' tool.
(April 19th, 2007)
- New feature: Opening and saving maps in ARD format for Holux GM-120.
- New feature: Support of MapSource GDB ver 3.
- Enhancement: Loading tracks from damaged MPS and GDB files.
- Enhancement: Switching sub-tools of 'Create Object' and 'Transform' tool on repeating
selection of the tool (thanks to Vladimir).
- Enhancement: Track may be generalized before converting to polyline
(thanks to Vladimir).
- New feature: For the tool 'Select Objects', menu item 'Intersect Polygons'
is added to context menu (available for multiple selected polygons).
- New feature: Menu 'Favorities' is added.
- Enhancement: Restoring position and scale after map loading
(only for 10 recent opened maps).
- Enhancement: Simplified position input for the window 'View | Go to Position...'.
- New feature: Option defining how to select scale after 'File | Add...' (thanks to Lan).
- New feature: Option defining which formats are to be shown in menu 'File | Export'
and in the dropdown list in 'File | Save As...'.
- Enhancement: Option defining the button used for multiple selection mode.
By default, CTRL now is used for multiple selection.
- Enhancement: New GUI for 'Tools | Verify Map'. Routable roads may be analyzed for
self-intersections and too close graph nodes, and for misaligned graph nodes.
- Fix: Incorrect horizontal scale on ECW file loading (thanks to Thomas Kuhn).
- Fix: Loading ECW files over 1 GB (thanks to Lan).
- Fix: 'Tools | Split Map to Files...' saves turn restrictions (thanks to Vadim_O).
- Fix: For maps with non 6-bit label coding schema, in window 'Object Properties',
the "~[0x1b2c]" item of dropdown list of 'Label' field is replaced to "~[0x1c]"
(thanks to Maksym Kerdan).
- Fix: Some issues in NTM saving.
(January 17th, 2007)
- Fix: Position of ECW maps in Transverse Mercator and UTM projection
(thanks to Jose Getino).
- Fix: 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' enabled for adding polylines to existing nodes
(thanks to Mikhalych).
(January 15th, 2007)
- New feature: The support of OZF2 format (referred from OziExplorer MAP).
- Fix: Crash while saving of routing graph data in MP format after some map modifications
(thanks to LS_D, Dust65).
- Enhancement: Automatic creation of .BAK file before saving map. (After sucessful saving,
the .BAK file is deleted automatically).
- Fix: Missing turn restrictions in polyline after applying 'Join objects', 'Extract Element',
'Merge Polylines' and 'Split Polyline' (thanks to Barney).
- Fix: 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' now does not connect to nodes of non-road polylines
(thanks to Dragni).
(January 10th, 2007)
- New feature: The support of ECW and JPEG 2000 formats (available in
registered copy only).
In addition, ECW JPEG 2000 SDK runtime should be installed.
- New feature: Merging polygons: activate 'Select Objects' tool, select two or more
polygons by holding SHIFT, then select 'Merge Polygons' item in the context menu.
- New feature: Subtracting polygons: activate 'Select Objects' tool, select two or more
polygons by holding SHIFT, then select 'Subtract Polygons' item in the context menu.
As a result, all intersections will be removed from the first polygon.
- New feature: Menu items 'Edit | Select | All Routes', 'All Raster Images', 'All Attached Files'.
- New feature: Custom attributes of MP map header may be added, modified or removed.
Please see menu "File | Map Properties", "Extras" tab.
- Enhancement: External nodes of routing graph are shown as diamonds (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Converting track, route or waypoint to map object saves file name to 'Comment'
attribute (thanks to Lango).
- Enhancement: Track color is exported to GDB and MPS formats (thanks to Mikhalych).
- Fix: 'Split Polyline' for routable roads (thanks to Dragni).
- Enhancement: Saving to NTM format creates additional index data for quick postal address search
(the new data will be used by forthcoming updates of
Navitel Navigator, but it is ignored in current updates 2.0.2.x).
- Enhancement: Saving to NTM format filters duplicated points of polylines and polygons.
- Fix: Automatic zoom level selection now takes into account 'Extended up to scales' attribute (thanks to Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while copying a road after routing graph removal.
- Enhancement: The support of France NTF IGN and Rijksdriehoeksmeting datums.
- Enhancement: Type set "Garmin" translation to German is now available in type-garmin-de.dat
(thanks to Joern Weber and Jorg Strachotta).
- Enhancement: Transliteration table for German is now availble in trans-de.dat (thanks to Joern Weber).
- Enhancement: The menu item 'Generate Routing Nodes' is renamed to 'Generate Routing Graph'.
- Enhancement: Launch time is diminished.
(October 20th, 2006)
- New feature: Saving irregular map boundary in NTM format (thanks to dyp).
- Fix: Saving some maps in NTM and RUS formats (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Map infotip shows speed and time for track point pointed by cursor.
- Enhancement: When showing 'Track Properties', 'Points' tab, selection is set to
nearest track point.
- Enhancement: The context menu for tracks and routes includes item 'Show Direction',
that allows showing direction for selected track or route.
- New feature: Route class and speed limit may be assigned to multiple selection of roads
(please see context menu 'Modify | Routing | Route Class...' and 'Modify | Routing | Speed Limit...').
- Enhancement: Automatic road graph generation assigns routing attributes for all roads,
which did not have routing graph nodes before generation (thanks to Vladimir).
- Fix: Context menu item 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' is disabled for non-roads
(thanks to Vladimir).
- Enhancement: In the mode 'Show Road Classes', roads without routing attributes are
shown as red lines. The colors associated with speed limits and route classes are enhanced
(thanks to Lango').
- New feature: Invert selection (please see menu item 'Edit | Invert Selection')
(thanks to Lan).
- New feature: Selecting all objects, that intersect selected polygon
(please see context menu item 'Select Intersecting Objects') (thanks to Lan).
- Fix: DEL works for tracks, routes and waypoints (thanks to Lango).
- Fix: Leading semicolon in the 'Comment' attribute of objects is removed
(thanks to Suojatar).
- Enhancement: Type names translation to Spanish is now available (thanks to Alvaro Bosch).
(September 3rd, 2006)
- New feature: Attached files with tracks, routes, waypoints and raster maps may be hidden
separately. Please see the menu 'View | Attachments' (its content is moved from the former tab
'Attachments' in the 'File | Map Properties').
- Enhancement: 'Select Type' window: the checkbox 'Show only used types' and the column
'Category' is added, background colour-highlighting of the categories (provided that 'Category'
column is sorted), preserving sorting column, width and order of the columns.
- Enhancement: Menu 'Edit | Select | by Type...' now shows types list supporting multiple
selection. The list displays only types presented in the map.
- New feature: Mode to show road routing classes (menu 'View | Show Road Classes')
(thanks to Paul Lougovskov).
- New feature: In Polish format, the support of non-standard attributes of objects:
"Text=", "Fax=", "Email=", "Web="; the attributes may be exported to and imported from
MapInfo MIF/MID and shapefiles. Saving and reading of these attributes in NTM format.
In the 'Properties' window, the tab 'Info' is added to allow authoring of the attributes
(except maps with type set "Holux").
- Enhancement: The Automation programmatic interface of the program (for external
VBScript/JScript/etc scripts) extended - the methods GeneralizeNodesOfPolylinesAndPolygons,
RemoveDuplicates, MergeInnerPolygons, SliceAllObjects, GenerateRoutingNodes are added
(registered users only).
- Fix: Correct showing semi-transparent areas of overlapped raster maps.
(August 17th, 2006)
- Fix: Saving routing data to NTM format is made correct for some cases
(thanks to mikhalych).
- Enhancement: Saving routing data to NTM format is made mush faster.
- Fix: Removal or repeating polyline/polygon points with routing nodes,
e.g. while map loading and 'Trim' (thanks to mikhalych).
- Fix: Saving empty attributes to .MID file while exporting to MapInfo MIF/MID format
(thanks to Kerstin Ambros).
- Fix: The behaviour of 'Level Settings' window.
- Enhancement: In the tool 'Edit Nodes', the visual highlighting of edited node while
'sticking' to other nodes (thanks to AlexInTheSky).
- Fix: Reading long 'Name' and 'Copyright' attributes from the header of .RUS files.
- Saving to RUS format version 1.0 is discontinued.
(August 2nd, 2006)
- New feature: Support of Navitel NTM format for Navitel Navigator
(navigation software for Pocket PC).
- New feature: New type set "Navitel" added.
- Fix: Crash while adding nodes to polyline (thanks to Pardy Attila).
- Fix: Assigning zero Node ID to polyline node after turning on the checkbox
"This node is routing graph node" fixed (thanks to Andrew Zaharov).
- Enhancement: Support of the attribute "SubType=" in Polish format.
- Enhancement: Support of the proprietary attribute "DontFind=Y" in Polish format.
This attribute allows to disable indexing of marked objects for search in NTM and RUS.
- Fix: Saving attributes "NodX=" to Polish format fixed (thanks to dyp).
- Fix: Saving cities index data to RUS in some cases fixed.
- Fix: Crash while loading shapefile with substrings "%s" inside attributes
(thanks to Michael Bang Jensen).
- Enhancement: Speed of 'Remove Duplicates' increased.
(June 11th, 2006)
- Fix: Crash while loading some RUS files (thanks to Pedro Doria Meunier).
(June 10th, 2006)
- Enhancement: Turn restriction authoring tool now shows non-routable roads
as dotted lines.
- Fix: Some turns was not visible in the turn restriction authoring tool.
- Fix: Missing some turn restrictions after adding/removing neighbour nodes
(thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Copy/paste conforms routing attributes of roads ("RouteParams=").
- Enhancement: Automatic routing graph generating (menu 'Tools | Generate Routing Nodes')
now ignores repeating points in polylines to avoid their linking.
- Enhancement: Export to MapInfo MIF/MID now supports postal addresses
and some other attributes of objects.
- Enhancement: Import from ESRI shapefiles and MapInfo MIF/MID now supports postal addresses
and some other attributes of objects.
- Enhancement: Export to OziExplorer MAP now supports splitting to tiles
(thanks to Roman).
- Fix: The support of GPX format reading is restored (thanks to Alvaro Bosch).
- Enhancement: The new FAT format is supported for Garmin IMG
(thanks to Victor S. Savchukov).
- Fix: Maximum allowed value of "ZoomX=" attributes in Polish format is now 8
(thanks to Jose Getino).
- Fix: Failure while reading some PLT files (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: New hot key 'Q' is introduced for toggling 'Stick to neighbours'
(thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Tracks drawing is speeded up (thanks to dyp).
(April 12th, 2006)
- Fix: Highlighting routing nodes with associated turn restrictions for maps with
attached tracks (thanks to dyp).
(April 11th, 2006)
- Fix: The order of routing attributes in Polish MP format (thanks to Rustam Volkov).
- Fix: The automatic routing graph generating is now applied to 0-th zoom level only.
- Enhancement: The tolerance distance used by the automatic routing graph generating is
lowered up to half of the position grid step for the 0-th zoom level. (NOTE: this is made
to avoid incorrect connections with neighbour nodes of the same polyline).
- Enhancement: Routing nodes with associated turn restrictions are highlighted as
the red border about small square.
- Enhancement: Displaying of polyline or polygon node ordinal in its Properties box.
- Fix: Failure after deleting polyline nodes (thanks to Alex Tjapukhin).
- Fix: All nodes in a map with routing graph and attached track was incorrectly shown as
magenta squares (thanks to Senior).
- Fix: Incorrect showing 'Routing' tab in the Properties window for tracks, being attached
to a map with routing data (thanks to dyp).
- Fix: Some minor bugs in the turn restriction editor tool (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: The turn restriction editor tool, all the manuevers not allowed due to
one-way traffic are highlighted as gray background (thanks to Senior).
- Fix: Dividing by zero while reading empty DBF file (thanks to Horacio D. Stolovitzky).
(April 2nd, 2006)
- New feature: Automatic generating of routing graph - please find menu
'Tools | Generate Routing Nodes | at Coinciding Nodes of Polylines'.
- New feature: Showing routing nodes on the map (see menu 'View | Routing Nodes' or
corresponding toolbar button).
- New feature: Connecting nearest polyline nodes as routing graph node (crossroad), as well as
disconnecting them - see polyline node context menu 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' and
'Disconnect Nodes'.
- New feature: All connected polyline nodes may be moved together.
- New feature: In Properties page of polyline node, the tab 'Routing' is added to allow
modification of associated routing graph node attributes. This includes authoring turn restrictions
(NOTE: only 3-node sequences are supported, and time restrictions are not supported).
- Enhancement: The operations 'Trim', 'Slice Map', 'Split to Files', 'Add Point',
'Remove Point', 'Reverse Points', 'Extract Element', 'Split Polyline', 'Merge Polylines'
and generalization of polyline points are aware of routing graph data.
- Enhancement: Passing routing graph nodes while copying polylines to the clipboard
(NOTE: except turn restrictions data).
- Enhancement: 'Statistics' page shows information about the road graph: the amount of
nodes, links and turn restrictions.
- Enhancement: While saving to Polish format (MP), the standard attributes are used to describe
routing nodes of polylines whenever possible. However MP format does not allow to describe
two or more 0-level elements of polyline with routing nodes, that's why non-standard attribute
"NodesX=" is used for this case.
- Enhancement: While saving to Polish format (MP), any non-unique identifiers of routing graph
nodes ("NodeID=") and ones of polylines ("RoadID=") are resolved.
- Fix: Some errors specific to saving routing graph nodes to RUS format.
- New feature: Changing 'Comment' attribute for multiple selection (please see the context
menu 'Modify | Comment...').
- Enhancement: 'Merge Polylines' now supports 3 or more polylines merging.
- Enhancement: Loading of tracks from OziExplorer PLT is made much faster.
- Enhancement: Object index for CRD file is saved even if indexed cities are not defined
(thanks to Ogi Ljubenov).
- Enhancement: The support of Italy Grid datum (thanks to Alessandro).
- Enhancement: The GPS-cursor is enlarged.
- Fix: Automatic connection with GPS-receiver for some computers.
- Fix: 'Trim' caused hiding the whole map in some cases (thanks to Thomas Ransberger).
- Fix: The degree sign under Chinese systems (thanks to YC Lee).
- Fix: Loosing shift of attached raster maps while saving to MP in certain cases
(thanks to Ben Strach).
- Fix: Ignoring empty "Zip=" attributes while loading MP files.
- Fix: Ignoring the attribute "City=Y" (or "[RGN20]") if "Region=" and "Country=" is omited -
to avoid empty record appearance in cities index, which causes an error in cgpsmapper.exe.
(January 3rd, 2006)
- Fix: Crash while drawing map (thanks to Michus).
(December 31st, 2005)
- Enhancement: Support of the attribute "zip=" in Polish format loading.
- Enhancement: Support of Porto Santo 1936 datum.
- Fix: Saving to ARD format (for ALAN Map 600) (thanks to Doreen).
- Fix: Reading polyline labels from some IMG files (thanks to Deneb Meketa).
- Fix: Converting polygons with deleted elements to polylines (thanks to stalker).
- Fix: Support of GDB files saved by EasyMPS (thanks to Gary Turner).
- Fix: 'Merge Two Polylines' performs automatic removal of coinciding point, if any
(thanks to Suojatar).
- Fix: Not losing of map transparency after attaching tracks, waypoints, routes or raster maps.
(November 3rd, 2005)
- New feature: Saving maps to ARD format (for GPS-receiver ALAN Map 600).
- New feature: Loading and export of tracks in format ALAN TRL for OS 3.0 CF.
- Enhancement: New point types introduced in CRD format for ALAN Map 500 OS 3.0 are supported.
- Enhancement: Automatic switching of zoom levels now depends on the 'Bits' attribute.
- Enhancement: Showing postal address attributes (if any) in the map infotips (this may be
adjusted in menu 'Tools | Options | View').
- Enhancement: Automatic update of objects' attribute 'EndLevel=' after zoom level
insertion/removal (thanks to YuryS).
- Fix: Joining zoom levels of two maps merged or after pasting from clipboard
(thanks to IAGSoft).
- Fix: Loading labels from some IMG files (thanks to John Mechalas).
- Fix: Loading last digit in phone numbers from some IMG files (thanks to Gary Turner).
(August 29th, 2005)
- New feature: Merging two single-element polylines (please see context menu, 'Merge Two Polylines')
(thanks to dyp).
- New feature: Closing polylines (please see context menu, 'Close Polyline').
- Enhancement: 'Reverse Polyline' is added into context menu of the tool 'Select Objects'.
- Enhancement: The tool 'Move Points' is renamed to 'Edit Nodes'.
- New feature: Meters to feet and feet to meters conversion for object labels with
elevation/depth values (please see the menu 'Tools | Convert Labels').
- Enhancement: Support of RUS format version 4 (for RUSSA 1.1) is enhanced:
- saving index of cities (required for Find Cities);
- saving object indexes for some types is revised;
- fixed saving empty names of countries and regions;
- re-saving is made by default in RUSSA 1.1 map format
(while saving to RUSSA 1.0 map format is also available).
- Fix: Automatic slicing large object when saving to RUS format takes "EndLevel="
attribute into account (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Support of 47 new types for RUSSA 1.1.
- Fix: Saving extra attributes in Polish format (thanks to Kolesar Andras).
- Fix: Reading "City=Y" attribute in Polish Format (thanks to Andy Stanley).
- Enhancement: Non-standard "DefaultCityName=" attribute of header section is supported
for Polish format.
- Fix: Locating city list item by entering first characters
(menu 'Edit | Postal Address Items').
(July 30th, 2005)
- New feature: Saving to RUS format version 4 (for RUSSA 1.0.26.x beta - the support of
postal addresses and index searching).
- New feature: Select all objects (menu 'Edit | Select | All objects'), tracks, waypoints.
- Enhancement: In the window 'Postal Address Items', large city list visualisation is made
faster; the button 'Locate' is added; and the column showing number of objects belonging
to city is added.
- Fix: Copying postal address elements while copy/paste of object(s).
- Fix: Joining cities lists after joining maps.
- Enhancement: In the window 'Object Properties', 'Elements' tab, the button 'Locate'
is added.
- Enhancement: Automatic converting of waypoint types in MapSource GDB format is enhanced.
- Enhancement: Support of Campo Inchauspe datum.
- Enhancement: Some new Garmin POI types are supported (Fire department, Truck stop etc).
- Enhancement: Default saving to Polish format supports the extensions introduced
in cgpsmapper 0074.
- Fix: Loading of objects crossing 180 deg E from Garmin IMG format.
- Fix: Copying of some of object's attributes while Split Polyline, Join Objects,
Split to files, Split per-Level Elements.
- Fix: Merging comments while Join Objects (thanks to dyp).
- Fix: Failure of Merge Inner Polygon in some circumstances (thanks to ded_Egor).
- Fix: Highway symbols visualization (the special codes ~[0x1] - ~[0x3]) for 8-bit label
coding schema used in Garmin IMG and Polish format.
- Fix: Pasting zoom levels into empty map.
- Fix: Incorrect map scrolling after Trim Outside.
- Fix: Loading types of indexed cities in Polish format (thanks to Victor
- Fix: Crash after pasting an object with large number of points (thanks to Mula
W. Wangsaputra).
- Fix: Refreshing image of one-way roads after Reverse Points.
- Fix: Visualization of one-way roads in some circumstances ( thanks to Weeranan
- Fix: Crash while showing coordinate axes in some track altitude profiles
(thanks to Weeranan).
- Fix: Importing shapefile (SHP) polygons containing zero-points rings.
(thanks to German Kolosov).
- Fix: Crash while exporting of some of MapSource GDB routes to OziExplorer RTE format
(thanks to Mikhail Karmazin).
- Fix: Assignment of unique file names in custom splitting map to files with non-square cells
(thanks to Richard Tremblay).
(May 15th, 2005)
- New feature: One-way roads visualization.
- New feature: Attached raster map (OziExplorer MAP) position may be corrected by
simple shift - via drag-and-drop in the 'Select' tool.
- New feature: Map verification tool (please see menu 'Tools | Verify map').
Current implementation searches for self-intersections in polygon contours (thanks to dyp).
- Enhancement: Support of new points and polylines types introduced in CRD format for
ALAN Map 500 OS 2.05.
- Enhancement: Support of Polish format header attributes "DefaultCityCountry=" and
"DefaultRegionCountry=", object's attributes "CityName=", "RegionName=" and "CountryName=".
- Enhancement: Export to MapInfo MIF/MID format is made compatible with some 3rd party
- Fix: Saving changes in 'Points properties' window (thanks to JGM).
- Fix: Loading postal address items from some Garmin IMG files.
- Fix: Loading some routes from MapSource GDB files (thanks to Francisco Monegal).
- Fix: Incorrect automatic slicing of large polygons and ones with inner contours while
saving to RUS format (thanks to Vladimir and dyp).
(March 25th, 2005)
- Enhancement: Loading of all map parts from IMG fileas for Garmin iQue.
- Enhancement: Some Garmin type names are revised: sand/mud flat, lakes, rivers,
urban areas, roads etc.
- New feature: In 'Map properties', tab 'Header', the field 'Copyright info' is added.
- Enhancement: Changing label for multiple selection
(please see context menu 'Modify | Label...').
- New feature: Changing postal address attributes (street, zip code) for multiple selection
(please see context menu 'Modify | Postal address').
- Enhancement: Automatic merging of coinciding elements of countries, regions/provinces and
cities/parishes lists while adding a map - to avoid duplicated elements.
- Enhancement: Separate entering full and abbreviated name of countries and regions/provinces.
- Enhancement: Showing the amount of countries, regions and cities in the corresponding lists.
- Enhancement: Support of nautical and statute miles in the scale ruler, the menu and
list of scales.
- Fix: Exporting of non-0th zoom levels to MapInfo MIF/MID (thanks to Fernando Sanchez).
- Fix: Crash while saving undo data for tracks, waypoints and routes.
- Fix: Automatic selection of correct altitude and speed scale for tracks in ALAN TRL format.
- Fix: Crash while showing Properties box for tracks in ALAN TLG and Holux TKL/TRK format
(thanks to Rainer Potzsch).
- Enhancement: Explicit support of phone numbers in CRD format (thanks to Slava Golovko).
(March 3rd, 2005)
- Fix: First showing of list of attached waypoints, tracks and routes (thanks to Prospero).
- Fix: Using GDI+ for OziExplorer MAP (thanks to chvad).
(March 1st, 2005)
- New feature: Opening maps in ARD format (for GPS-receiver ALAN Map 600).
- Export of waypoints and tracks to obsolete formats ALAN TLG и WRT is discontinued
(while opening is still supported).
- New feature: Loading, visualisation and 'transparent' export of additional attributes of
track and waypoints: altitude, date/time, speed, sonar data etc.
- New feature: Support and visualisation of routes:
opening from formats GPX, MapSource GDB, OziExplorer RTE, ALAN WPR/WRT, Holux WPO/WPT,
Garmin PCX5, MapSend WPT,
export to GPX, MapSource GDB, OziExplorer RTE, ALAN WPR, Holux WPO/WPT.
(NOTE: routes in format MapSource MPS are not supported yet - neither for opening nor for export.)
- New feature: Altitude profile visualization for tracks and routes.
- New feature: List of attached waypoints, tracks and routes
(please see menu 'View | List of Waypoints, Tracks, Routes').
- New feature: Adjusting units for distance, speed and area
(please see menu 'Tools | Options', 'Units' tab).
- New feature: Export of attached waypoints, tracks and routes to GPX format.
- Fix: Loading waypoints from MapSource GDB, if they are nodes of a route
built automatically by MapSource over an auto-routing map.
- Fix: DEG format of coordinates in PCX5 (thanks to Davdusud).
- Fix: Loading of Polish format attribute "RouteParam=" for road class=4
(thanks to Vitaly Dragni).
- Fix: Loading and saving of Polish format attributes concerning data for auto-routing:
"RouteParam=" (previously supported as "RouteParams=") and "NodX=" (thanks to dyp).
- Fix: Export to OziExplorer MAP now correctly calculates size of intermediate video buffer
taking into account current color depth.
- Fix: Behaviour of the folder selection box under Windows 98/ME (thanks to Michael Sotin).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'File | Error Log' is renamed to 'Message Log'.
(January 25th, 2005)
- Enhancement: Support of huge OziExplorer maps - up to 300 Mpixels
(available in registered copy only).
- New feature: Loading of waypoints and tracks in
GPX format.
- Enhancement: Automatic splitting of large objects and merging inner polygons (holes)
while saving to RUS format.
- Enhancement: The shapefile and MapInfo import wizards support the coordinate system
UTM South (thanks to Oscar Figueroa).
- Fix: Preservation of some of attributes after converting polyline to polygon and
vice versa (thanks to Maxim Kerdan).
(December 14th, 2004)
- New feature: Authoring of road parameters, used for automatic routing (the attribute
"ROUTEPARAM=" in Polish format).
- Fix: Memory wasting and probable crashing after deleting or changing type for
multiple selection.
- Enhancement: Support of polylines types 0x3e and 0x3d for maps with type set 'Russa'.
- Enhancement: For maps with type set 'Russa', it is possible to assign values
for 'Bits' (the same attribute as "LevelX=" in Polish format) up to 26.
While saving such map in RUS format this allows to avoid significant distortion of shape
of small objects (e.g. buildings): the coordinates are stored with up to 0.6 m accuracy.
While saving such map in Polish format all coordinates are saved with 6 decimal places after point.
- Enhancement: It is possible to zoom up to 3 m scale.
- Enhancement: Import from MapInfo MIF/MID supports automatic reading of Transverse Mercator
projection parameters from the header (thanks to Andrey Fo).
- Enhancement: MIF/MID import and export supports reading/saving map bounding rectangle
(via "Bounds" construct).
- Enhancement: Import of first MIF/MID or shapefile is made to European (8-bit) label
coding schema (in contrast to American 6-bit one in previous updates).
- Fix: Coordinate rounding while importing of first MIF/MID or shapefile (depending on
the 'Snap to grid' setting).
- Fix: Saving of 'Сentral Meridian' setting in MIF/MID and shapefile import wizard.
- Fix: 'Trim Outside' updates map bounding rectangle (thanks to Gary Turner).
- Fix: Exiting via menu 'File | Exit' asks user for saving changes (thanks to Senior).
- Fix: Cancelling map loading in favour of not saved previous one now behaves correcltly
(thanks to Senior).
- Fix: Crash after undoing 'Refresh inners' action in some cases (thanks to Michael Sotin).
- Fix: Refreshing of enable/disable status of menu items when selecting an object in
'Move points' tool (thanks to Andrey Fo).
- Enhancement: Behaviour of scrollers on low detail scales.
(September 27th, 2004)
- Enhancement: Version of GDI+ is checked to notify user about
security update is required.
- New feature: Selection of the map's attribute defining the elevation/depth units
(meters or feet) for map objects (please see menu 'File | Map properties | Header').
- New feature: Saving this attribute to RUS.
- Fix: Loading the map's attribute "Copyright" from RUS format.
- Fix: Loading of GDB files containing the depth and/or temperature data
(thanks to Dmitry Lisochkin).
- Fix: Crashing while saving a map containing objects with large "EndLevel=" attributes
to CRD format (thanks to Victor Tsvetkovsky).
- Fix: parameters of Irish National Grid (thanks to Hauke).
- Enhancement: Support of Yacare and Indian 1960 datum.
- Enhancement: While exporting to OziExplorer MAP the background color is used
(thanks to Carl Rojahn).
- Enhancement: Network timeout error reporting in automatic activation of License Key.
(August 4th, 2004)
- Fix: Indexing of roads while saving to CRD format (thanks to Slava Golovko).
- Fix: The color of polygons with complex fill patterns in the mode 'Transparent polygons'
(thanks to Maksym Kerdan).
(August 2nd, 2004)
- New feature: New type set "Russa" for
GIS Russa.
- New feature: Assigning type set fopr the map (see menu 'File | Map properties | Header | Type set').
- Fix: Minor bugs in saving to RUS format.
- Fix: Crashing while scanning COM ports for Garmin protocol (on receiving package size 1 or 2 bytes).
- Fix: Statistics takes into accont the objects attribute "EndLevel=".
(July 3rd, 2004)
- New feature: Opening and saving of RUS files for GIS Russa.
- Enhancement: Speed of loading large Garmin IMG files has increased by 5%.
- Fix: Loading of 'Copyright' attribute from Garmin IMG files.
- Enhancement: The file uninstall.bat is added, to allow removal of
file type associations of GPSMapEdit from the registry.
(June 12th, 2004)
- New feature: Opening and saving of MapShow LST format.
- Enhancement: Automatic detection of COM port and protocol for GPS positioning
is made more safe.
- Fix: Deviation of polylines and polygons relative positions while saving to CRD format.
- Fix: Transliteration schema selection in 'Tools | Convert labels | Transliterate'
(thanks to Vasiliy aka Fox).
- Fix: Unexpected removal of tracks and waypoints after removing of a zoom level.
- Fix: Lost of attributes "EndLevel=" and comment for objects after splitting to files
(thanks to Andrey Forosenko).
(May 18th, 2004)
- Fix: Loading of some Garmin IMG maps (thanks to Kalman Csaba).
- Fix: Crash while loading C718_Eurobase.Crd (thanks to Alessandro Macelloni).
(May 5th, 2004)
- New feature: The tool to split map into smaller files - please see menu 'Tools | Split to files...'
(available in registered copy only).
- New feature: Import and export of MID/MIF interchange files from GIS
(available in registered copy only).
- New feature: Loading and export of waypoints and tracks in GDB format of
MapSource 6.0.
- Enhancement: The default values of header parameters in Polish format are changed to TreSize=511
and RgnLimits=127 - to provide good rendering speed in GPSr (thanks to Igor Sapunov).
- Enhancement: It is possible to edit the parameters of map header in Polish format:
"MG=", "Numbering=", "Routing=" и "Copyright=" (please see the menu 'File | Map properties | cGPSMapper').
- Enhancement: The shapefile import wizard supports the coordinate system "Germany DHDN (Potsdam)"
(thanks to Karsten)
- Enhancement: In the shapefile import wizard, the support of Gauss-Kruger projection
has changed: now all available parameters are adjustable.
- Enhancement: Datum "S-JTSK" (thanks to Petr Bitnar).
- Enhancement: The name of Garmin-point 0x6200 is changed to "Depth spot"
(thanks to Gilles Metais).
- Enhancement: The menu item 'Tools | Remove inner polygons' changed to
'Tools | Merge inner polygons'.
- Enhancement: In Polish format, longitudes over 180 degrees are allowed.
- Fix: City indexing in CRD format saving (thanks to Karsten).
- Fix: Unexpected shift of objects while double-clicking.
- Fix: Crash while generalization after map trimming (thanks to Igor Sapunov).
(March 29th, 2004)
- Fix: Saving of CRD maps containing rail roads (thanks to Rainer Poetzsch).
- Fix: Datum converting for OziExplorer WPT and PLT files (thanks to vega).
- Fix: Polygon trimming algorithm used in 'Trim' and 'Slice map' functions
(thanks to Sergey Bogdanov).
- Fix: Color of OziExplorer PLT tracks (thanks to Yang G.Sun).
- Fix: Loading of IMG files with 6-bit coding schema and non-zero code page
(thanks to Bastian Stassen).
- Fix: Statusbar field width (thanks to logrus).
- Enhancement: Support of 'Potsdam' datum (thanks to Karsten).
- Enhancement: Support of Menu key on the Microsoft Natural (or any compatible) keyboard.
- Enhancement: Support of keyboard accelerators Shift+Del for 'Edit | Cut' (thanks to Rafal Fitt)
and Ctrl+- for 'View | Full map'.
Download version 1.0.10 (440 K).
(March 15th, 2004)
- Due to GPSMapEdit becomes shareware, the License Agreement has been changed
(see 'Help | License Agreement') and the license protection is introduced
(see 'Help | Activate license key...').
Saving to CRD format is now available only in registered copy
of the program.
- Enhancement: While saving map to CRD format, index data for object searching are created.
- New feature: The tool for converting polygons with holes (see 'Tools | Remove inner polygons').
- New feature: The tool to slice map' objects with grid of cells of given size
(see 'Tools | Slice map...').
- New feature: Loading and exporting of tracks in format TRL and waypoints in format WPR
(for ALAN Map 500 OS2.0+).
- New feature: Zooming of selected object to fit the window (see context menu, 'Best fit').
- New feature: Input and output of position in various formats: in decimal degrees,
degrees/minutes, degrees/minutes/seconds (thanks to Rafal Fitt).
- New feature: In 'Tools | Options | Units', the units for elevation/depth are selectable:
metes or feet (thanks to Rafal Fitt).
- Fix: Elevation visualization for points with Garmin types 0x64xx-0x66xx, having the
special character "~[0x1f]" in labels (thanks to Denis Perchine).
- Enhancement: Support of files in format of OziExplorer (.map), saved by ExpertGPS software
(thanks to Brad Stone).
- Fix: The datum OSGB 36 (thanks to Chris Horsfield).
- Enhancement: Support of datums Pulkovo-1942 specific to various countries
(thanks to Rafal Fitt) and ARC-1960.
- Fix: Waypoints export to WRT files (thanks to Karsten).
(February 27th, 2004)
- Enhancement: Support of datums CH-1903, North Sahara 1959.
- Enhancement: Transliteration for Ukrainian is supported (please see trans-ua.dat,
thanks to Olexa).
- Enhancement: Saving to CRD is enabled up to March 15th, 2004.
- Fix: Visualization of markers for coinciding points in the tool 'Move points'.
- Fix: System resource leakage after each exit from GPSMapEdit under MS Windows 98/ME
(thanks to Bobby).
- Fix: Labels visualization for points with Garmin-types 0x64xx-66xx (thanks to Vadim).
- Fix: Saving of 'Background' object in Polish format.
- Fix: Waypoints export to WRT files (thanks to Karsten).
(January 21st, 2004)
- Fix: Saving to Polish format of [END-RGNx0] (thanks to Konstantin Vasiliev).
- Enhancement: For OziExplorer raster maps, support of British National Grid
(thanks to Craig Wallace), Irish Grid, Swiss Grid added.
- Enhancement: The set of datums supported for MAP, TRK, WPT files (OziExplorer)
is extended.
- Enhancement: Type set conversion from Garmin IMG to CRD is improved.
(Jan 19, 2004)
- New feature: Polyline to polygon and vice versa conversion (please see the context menu
of the tool 'Select', 'Modify | Kind').
- Enhancement: Any difference between 'Point' and 'POI' is hidden. Now the term 'Point'
is used everywhere, to refer all kinds of points.
- Enhancement: To avoid terms collision, the map objects are reffered to as 'Objects'
instead of former term 'Region'. From now, 'Region' means only postal address attribute of POIs
(i.e. state/region/province).
- Enhancement: The cGPSMapper.exe 0074 extensions of the Polish format are supported:
[POLYGON], [POLYLINE], [POI], 'Transparent=Y', 'EndLevel', 'City=Y'.
It is possible to save files both in old format (compatible with old software) and in the
new one (please see 'File | Map properties | cGPSMapper').
- Enhancement: Garmin types for Navaids 0x1600-0x1b00 are supported
(thanks to Rafal Fitt).
- Enhancement: PCX5 track names are supported (thanks to Dr. Joerg Stein).
- Enhancement: Saving to CRD is enabled up to March 1st, 2004.
- Fix: Saving of CRD files containing 'Border' polylines (thanks to Norbert).
- Fix: Pasting to empty map (thanks to Subject).
- Fix: Refreshing of menu items after 'Edit | Select | By type' (thanks to Subject).
- Fix: Map header properties are enabled for empty maps.
- Fix: Loosing vector data while saving, if the vector map was added to raster one
(thanks to Gilles Metais).
- Fix: cGPSmapper.exe output buffer overflow (> 64K) during exporting map to IMG.
(Dec 30, 2003)
- New feature: Extracting of selected element into new object (see
the context menu of the tool 'Select', 'Extract element').
- Enhancement: TreSize generation while loading of IMG files is improved.
- Fix: Access to recent files on FDD during program start up
(thanks to Kees van de Werken).
- Fix: Former menu item 'File | New' has been renamed to more appropriate
'File | Close'.
- Enhancement: Saving to CRD is enabled up to February 1st, 2004.
- New feature: Loading and exporting of waypoints in Holux MapShow305 WPT
format (thanks to
Victor I. Tsetkovsky).
- Fix: Loading and exporting of tracks in Holux MapShow305 TKL format
(thanks to Victor I. Tsetkovsky).
- Fix: System graphics resources (GDI) leakage after each program launch under
MS Windows 98/ME (thanks to Iwan Wijaya).
(Dec 16, 2003)
- New feature: Converting labels (see 'Tools | Convert labels...')
(thanks to Vladimir Kudinov).
- Enhancement: Support of coordinates rounding ('Snap to grid') for CRD format.
- Enhancement: Hyperlink navigation in some dialog boxes.
- Fix: Automatic polygon holes detection (inner/outer elements).
Implicit refreshing of the holes is available in the context menu |
Properties | Elements | Refresh inners.
- Fix: Polygon trimming in the 'Trim' tool.
- Fix: Crash while undoing of some editing acttions.
- Fix: Datum reading in PLT-tracks.
(Dec 9, 2003)
- New feature: Context menu for the tool 'Create region' allows to remove last entered
point of polyline or polygon (see 'Remove last point').
- Enhancement: Redirection of cgpsmapper.exe output into the wizard window;
as a result, the speed of converting increases in some cases.
- Enhancement: Support of 'Background=Y' in Polish format.
- Enhancement: Polygons drawing order (small above large) is updated after creation
of new polygons and after changing their size.
- Enhancement: Support of RT90 datum and the 'Swedish Grid' for OziExplorer .map
(thanks to Mathias Bjorklund).
- Fix: View of database in the shapefile import wizard in the case of empty first field
(thanks to Alexander Zotov).
- Fix: View of compass in the window 'GPS Tracking' in Large Fonts mode.
(Dec 4, 2003)
- Enhancement: Garmin type set is extended for POIs 0x2e07-0x2e0b and 0x2f0f-0x2f15 (thanks to
Buyung Akram).
City types names are updated to show their dependance on the population.
- Enhancement: The type set for ALAN Map 500 and Holux is localized into German (the file types-holux-de.dat).
- Fix: RT90 datum support
in shapefiles import wizard (thanks to Mathias Bjorklund).
(Dec 2, 2003)
- New feature: Support of non-Garmin type sets. The type set is map attribute which
defines possible types of objects in the map and the numeric codes for them.
In addition to the Garmin type set, the one for the CRD format (ALAN Map 500, Holux)
is supported currently.
- New feature: The setting defining the default type set (see
'Tools | Options | Edit | Default type set').
- Enhancement: CRD files may be saved directly by 'File | Save' (and former explicit
exporting to CRD is removed).
- Enhancement: The shapefile import wizard allows to use type set for ALAN Map 500
and Holux.
- New feature: The shapefile import wizard supports coordinates in
Swedish RT90 2.5 gon W and the datums SWEREF 93/99 (thanks to Jonas Lonnroth).
- Enhancement: The new setting for 'Transparent polygons' view mode, which allows
to render polygons as borders only (see 'Tools | Options | View | Transparent polygons view').
- Enhancement: 'Open with Notepad' conext menu item for .mp files (in Windows Explorer).
- Fix: Feet-to-meters height conversion is extended to POIs 0x64xx-0x66xx
(thanks to Vadim).
- Fix: Annoying selection of underlying object by double-click while using the tool
'Create region' (thanks to Alan Teo).
- Enhancement: Exporting to cgpsmapper.exe supports the output IMG file name definition.
- Fix: Asking for the path to cgpsmapper.exe on each exporting to IMG
under Windows 98/ME (thanks to Janusz Skolimowski).
- Fix: Parameters names in Polish format are case-insensitive
(thanks to Mikael Nordlund).
(Nov 18, 2003)
- The space is removed from the program's title: now it is "GPSMapEdit".
- New feature: Generalization of points of selected polylines and polygons (see
the context menu for the tool 'Move points').
Generalization of all polylines and polygons (see
'Tools | Generalize | Points of all polylines & polygons').
- New feature: Visualization of TDB files (the index files for Garmin IMG) as maps
describing the detail IMG maps coverage.
- Fix: Restored ability to apply 'Extend all elements up to level...' to multiple
- Enhancement: The 'City' attribute is appliable to any region type.
- Fix: Creation of detail levels from the very beginning (now objects do not disappear).
- Fix: No feet-to-meters translation of heights if the map header defines 'Elevation=m'.
- Enhancement: Trying to export a map without headers or any vector data causes
the warning message.
- Enhancement: 'Join regions' now is aware of the attribute
'Extend all elements up to level', the comment, and address info.
- Enhancement: 'Join regions' and shifting of region' elements is aware of
inner/outer relations of polygons (for the polygons with holes).
- Fix: Incorrect saving of map's in-memory copy to undo of some actions.
- Fix: Labels for the most of polygon types are centered.
- Fix: Status bar output behaviour.
- Enhancement: File name extension associations are enhanced, new icons are added.
(Nov 3, 2003)
- New feature: Support of .mp file extension for Polish format.
- New feature: Selection of all objects of a given type (see 'Edit | Select | By type').
- New feature: Removal of mistakenly duplicated objects (see 'Tools | Remove region duplicates').
- Enhancement: Locate the attached images, tracks and waypoints on map
(see 'File | Map properties | Attachments | Locate on map').
- Fix: Saving of address information while exporting to CRD format.
(Oct 23, 2003)
- New feature: Go to position (see 'View | Go to position...').
- Enhancement: Support of custom datums in Polish format ("Datum=Custom: dx, dy, dz...").
- Enhancement: Support of address information in export to CRD format.
(17 Oct 2003)
- Enhancement: The shapefile import wizard now supports more coordinate systems:
- Fix: Crash while exporting huge maps to CRD format.
(8 Oct 2003)
- New feature: Loading of tracks and waypoints in format of GARMIN PCX5 (.trk and .wpt).
- New feature: Loading and export of tracks and waypoints in format of
Holux MapShow WPO/TRK (Holux GM-101).
- Enhancement: New behaviour of the map scrollers allows to scroll out of map boundaries.
- Enhancement: The color of the background is selectable
(see 'Tools | Options | Edit | Map background color').
- Enhancement: The color and width of the line used for drawing new polygons/polylines
is selectable (see 'Tools | Options | Edit | Color of new object').
- Fix: Annoying shift of objects due to just clicking them.
- Fix: Precision loss for points of polylines from IMG files
(it caused unexpected unchaining of intersections).
- Fix: Loading of IMG files with objects crossing 180 longitude.
- Enhancement: While export to CRD, the special codes in labels (like ~[0x1f]) and
'Background' polygons are removed.
- Fix: Crash while Copy/Paste of separate elements of objects.
- Fix: Crash after trimming of polygons with huge number of points.
(4 Sep 2003)
- New feature: Loading and export of maps, tracks and waypoints in format of ALAN Map 500.
- New feature: Export of maps in format
Holux MapShow CRD.
- Fix: Loading and export of tracks in Holux MapShow305 TKL format (Holux GM-305).
- Fix: Loading of Magellan MapSend 3.0 and 4.0
tracks (thanks Alberto Najera).
(1 Sep 2003)
- New feature: Converting tracks to polygons.
- New feature: Joining selected polygons or polylines to single object
(see context menu, 'Join regions').
- Enhancement: Changing the parameters 'Levels=', 'CityIdx=' for multiple objects
(see context menu, 'Modify | Extend all elements up to level...' and 'Modify | City of POI...').
- Enhancement: The type of waypoints loaded from MPS files is used while converting
to POI (thanks Zonder).
- Fix: Crash while editing zoom levels.
(14 Aug 2003)
- New feature: Editing of object element's points as text (context menu | Elements | Edit).
- Enhancement: Scrolling and zooming by mouse wheel (Shift - for horizontal scrolling, Ctrl - zoom).
- Enhancement: 'Change region type' dialog window allows to enter mumeric code for types.
- Enhancement: 'Create region' tool offers previously selected object type as default one.
- Enhancement: Quality of visualisation for inclined raster maps is improved.
- Fix: Loading of Holux .crd maps containing boundary objects.
(06 Aug 2003)
- New feature: Loading of tracks and waypoints in
Magellan MapSend (.wpt and .trk) format.
- Enhancement: Export to cgpsmapper.exe in "POI-only" mode (using '-i' switch).
- Enhancement: Editing of map header parameter 'LblCoding' affecting allowed character set
for object labels (see 'File | Map properties | Header | Coding schema').
- Enhancement: Editing of comments per objects.
- Fix: Automatic track/waypoint name collision resolution while export to .mps files.
(05 Aug 2003)
- New feature: Loading of maps in Holux MapShow (.crd) format.
- New feature: Export of the attached tracks and waypoints to MapSource and OziExplorer
formats (see 'File | Export | Waypoints and tracks').
- Enhancement: Support of Garmin IMG maps with 16-bit label coding (Japanese and others).
- Enhancement: Support of the parameter 'CodePage' in the Polish format (for cGPSmapper 063).
- Enhancement: Statistics for unknown types.
- Enhancement: More icons for POIs.
- Fix: POI subtypes identification.
- Fix: Loading of some .rgn files.
(16 Jul 2003)
- New feature: 'Quadratic transformation' tool.
- Fix: export to OziExplorer .map in S/W hemishere.
(10 Jul 2003)
- Enhancement: Wizard-style export to OziExplorer .map.
(7 Jul 2003)
- New feature: Export to OziExplorer .map.
(3 Jul 2003)
- Fix: Loading of POI addresses and exit facilities from some of .IMG files
(the bug may cause failure while saving to .txt).
(1 Jul 2003)
- New feature: Editing of POI addresses and exit facilities (incomplete).
- New feature: Loading of POI addresses and exit facilities from .IMG files.
- Fix: Loading of labels of POIs with addresses (.IMG files).
- Fix: Loading of map names longer than 20 characters (.IMG files).
- Enhancement: Support of [ZipCodes] section in Polish format.
- Enhancement: Lambert Conformal Conic projection is supported for
.MAP files (OziExplorer).
- Enhancement: Support of .MPS files saved by MapSource 5.0 beta.
(18 Jun 2003)
- Enhancement: Filter of zoom levels is added to 'File | Map properties | Statistics'.
- Fix: Export of files with spaces in path to cGPSmapper.exe.
(16 Jun 2003)
- New feature: Export to cGPSmapper.exe (see 'File | Export | cGPSmapper').
- Enhancement: 8-bit text coding is now supported for IMG files.
- Enhancement: Helper menu for entering special codes (like "~[0x2a]") into labels.
- Fix: Loading of some IMG files failure.
(10 Jun 2003)
- New feature: Editing data for POI and city find (see
'Tools | Edit data for Find...' and region's 'Properties | Find').
WARNING: it will be supported in cGPSmapper 062 shareware version (available soon).
- New feature: Support of the sections [Countries], [Regions], [Cities],
[Highways], and the [RGNx0] parameter 'CityIdx=' in Polish format.
- New feature: Tracks color and thickness is obtained from PLT and MPS files.
In addition, user may define the values by default (see 'Tools | Options | Tracks').
- Enhancement: The protection code is not asked while loading IMG files
(NOTE: Garmin does not provide this code to users, so this is definitely not
an anti-piracy feature, in contrast to my previous misunderstanding).
- Fix: Shape of roads from IMG maps supporting house numbering.
(29 May 2003)
- Fix: Garmin protocol support.
- Fix: .MPS file type association.
(26 May 2003)
- New feature: Loading of Garmin IMG maps.
- New feature: GPS tracking (NMEA-0183 and Garmin protocol is supported).
- New feature: Split polyline.
- New feature: Reverse polyline.
- New feature: Undo is possible for all previously undonable operations
except 'File | Add'.
- Enhancement: Undo of raster maps deleting uses less memory.
- Enhancement: Keyboard accelerators "-" and "+" for zooming are added.
- Enhancement: All supported file types associations defined.
- Enhancement: Automatic increase of "RgnLimit" during map loading.
- Fix: Text editing of last point in polyline/polygon.
- Fix: Saving parameters "BlockSize", "TreSize", "TreMargin", "RgnLimit" if
they are not defined previously.
- Fix: Rounding of negative whole coordinates.
(07 Apr 2003)
- New feature: Cut by rectangular mask (see 'Tools | Mask').
- New feature: Point coordinates may be edited as text (see the tool 'Move points').
- Fix: Now not discarding all regions even if zoom levels are not defined (Polish format).
(27 Mar 2003)
- New feature: Joining all similar elements distributed over zoom levels into
single regions (Tools | Join region levels).
- New feature: Clipboard operations (Copy/Cut/Paste).
- Fix: Failure while saving some data imported from shapefiles.
- Fix: Some elements of regions was not visible or even cause failure while their
rendering after automatic removal of empty elements in the same region during map loading.
- Enhancement: Some of type names are corrected.
(20 Mar 2003)
- New feature: Splitting all regions by zoom levels (Tools | Split region levels).
- Enhancement: Keyboard accelerators for tools selection added.
- Enhancement: Removal of repeating points of polygons/polylines after rounding.
- Enhancement: Label editing is turned on automatically for newly created regions.
- Enhancement: Progress bar while file saving.
- Enhancement: Support of MPS-files saved by MapSource 4.13.
- Fix: Support of NAD83 datum and UTM projection for OziExplorer files.
- Fix: Labels on ruler and grid while running under MS Windows 98/ME.
- Fix: Saving of data imported from shapefiles.
- Fix: Transliteration while importing from shapefiles.
(03 Mar 2003)
- Enhancement: Calculation of Transvese Mercator projection for OziExplorer .MAP files
covering significant part of 6-degree zone.
- Fix: Loading OziExplorer .MAP files in obsolete format (2.0).
- Fix: Saving map without header.
(25 Feb 2003)
- Enhancement: Editing of the most of the standard properties from the map header.
- New feature: Source text editing for the sections, which are not supported
by the software explicitly (e.g. [PLT], [Dictionary], [Countries], etc -
see File | Map properties | Extras).
- New feature: Editing and visualisation of the 'Levels=' parameter for [RGNx0] sections.
- New feature: Editing of the 'DirIndicator=' parameter.
- New feature: Editing (as source text) of object parameters which are not supported
by the software explicitly (see the context menu | Properties | Extras).
- New feature: Saving of any properties of [RGNx0] sections which are not supported
by the software explicitly.
- Fix: 'Latitude/Logitide origin' fields of shapefile import wizard.
- Fix: Polyline length calculation.
- Enhancement: RAM size used by the software is diminished in about 30% (for large maps),
and this provides map loading speed up about 10%.
- Enhancement: Size of EXE file is diminished in about 30%.
(17 Feb 2003)
- New feature: Editing of list of elements of object, including their levels
(see context menu | Properties | Elements).
- Enhancement: While converting a track or waypoint, the list of levels is offered.
(12 Feb 2003)
- New feature: Editing some of fields in map header (see File | Map Properties).
- New feature: Editing of zoom levels (see File | Map Properties | Levels).
- New feature: Import of types from shapefile attributes (from the given database field).
- New feature: Options: snapping to grid and sticking while point editing may be disabled.
- Enhancement: Multiple selection by frame. (Made by Philipok).
- Enhancement: 'Levels' attribute of [RGNx0] sections is saved now (Polish format).
- Enhancement: Additional keyboard accelerators for level selection.
- Enhancement: New polygon types are supported: scrub, orchard, tundra.
- Enhancement: Aware of Large Fonts video mode.
- Enhancement: Colors.
(27 Jan 2003)
- Enhancement: all points are rounded to Garmin units during map loading.
- Fix: crash while point editing for maps without levels.
- Fix: infinite loop while loading of some shapefiles.
(24 Jan 2003)
- Enhancement: region types conform latest information from cGPSmapper 052. Some icons added.
- New feature: localization of type names is introduced.
Currently, Russian is supported (see type-ru.dat).
- Enhancement: import of shapefiles allows to select multiple files; settings are saved.
- New feature: grid for point editing.
This is automatic coordinates rounding according to Garmin units (depending on "LevelX=" settings).
In addition, automatic point 'sticking' to neighbour objects is introduced.
(Made by Philipok).
- New feature: keyboard accelerators 0, 1, 2, ... for zoom level selection.
- Enhancement: MPS files from MapSource 4.11 are supported.
- Fix: overlaying polygons rendering after map merging.
(10 Jan 2003)
- Fix: empty 'File|Import' menu under Windows 98/ME.
- Enhancement: importing shapefiles in OEM-coding, and offset of coordinates added.
- Fix: selection of horizontal lines.
(09 Jan 2003)
- New feature: Import of ESRI shapefiles. Supported units are:
Latitude/Longitude degrees, Gauss-Kruger projection meter grid.
- Fix: selection visualization.
- Fix: crash if "Type=" is omited in Polish format.
- Fix: loading of MPS files with points in Southern or Eastern hemishpere.
- Fix: unstable crash on showing tooltips for some objects.
(26 Dec 2002)
- Fix: regions created after any raster map attaching were not saved.
(25 Dec 2002)
- Enhancement: Mercator projection support for OziExplorer MAP is added.
NOTE: Square approximation is used, so some distorsion is possible for small scale maps
covering areas over 6-10 deg in latitude, and in high latitude areas.
(23 Dec 2002)
- New feature: "Create region" tool.
- New feature: Converting tracks and waypoints to regions.
- New feature: It is possible to hide temporarily all attached raster maps, tracks and waypoints
(see File | Show attachments).
- Fix: Adding maps with different zoom levels set.
- Enhancement: loading time diminished in about 15% for both Polish format and OziExplorer MAP.
(17 Dec 2002)
- New feature: moving selected objects.
- Fix: loading maps using "Add" menu or toolbar button caused incorrect levels visualization.
- Polish format enhancements:
(1) spaces are allowed,
(2) unsupported sections (such as [MAP], [WPT], [PLT] etc) are preserved for file saving,
(3) loading time diminished in about 5%.
(11 Dec 2002)
- Fix: incorrect label loading for WPT files.
(11 Dec 2002)
- Multiple object selection is now supported. While "Select" tool is active, use SHIFT to add/remove
regions into the selection, and CTRL to apply this on single element of a region.
- Deleting of region elements is added.
- Change region's type feature is added (see context menu | Change type...).
- Control over zoom levels visibility is introduced (see menu View | Levels).
- Memory overflow handling is improved.
(6 Dec 2002)