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(August 2nd, 2019)

I. System requirements

II. Evaluation

The following features require license 2.x:

The following features require license 1.x or higher:

NOTE: The list may be extended in future updates.

III. Projections, coordinate systems, datums

List of supported projections
List of supported projected coordinate systems
List of supported datums

IV. File formats

  1. Polish format (input format for cGPSMapper.exe)

    Open, Save.

    This is input language of the program cGPSmapper.exe used to generate files in Garmin IMG format.

  2. OziExplorer MAP

    Open, Export.

    This is raster map for OziExplorer. It consists of calibration data and reference to external image file like JPG.

  3. OziExplorer WPT

    Open, Export.

    This is file with waypoints for OziExplorer.

  4. OziExplorer PLT

    Open, Export.

    This is file with tracks for OziExplorer.

  5. OziExplorer RTE

    Open, Export.

    This is file with routes for OziExplorer.

  6. OziExplorer RT2


    This is file with routes for OziCE.

  7. Garmin MapSource IMG

    Open, Export.

    This is the binary cartographic format from Garmin, used for uploading maps to GPS recievier via MapSource software.

  8. Garmin MapSource MPS and GDB

    Open, Export.

    This is binary file used by Garmin MapSource to store data downloaded from or prepared for uploading to GPS receiver: waypoint, tracks, routes, lists of maps.

  9. Garmin PCX5


    These are files with waypoints, tracks and routes (.wpt, .trk and .rte).

  10. Navitel NM2


    This is binary file used by Pocket PC navigation software Navitel Navigator 3.x.

  11. Navitel NTM

    Open, Export.

    This is binary file used by Pocket PC navigation software Navitel Navigator 2.0 and 3.0.

  12. Magellan MapSend WPT


    This is file with waypoints and routes for Magellan MapSend.

  13. Magellan MapSend TRK


    This is file with tracks for Magellan MapSend.

  14. Lowrance MapCreate LCM


    This is the binary cartographic format from Lowrance Electronics, Inc, used for uploading maps to GPS recievier via MapCreate software.

  15. Lowrance user data file (USR)


    This is file with tracks, waypoints and routes in binary format for Lowrance devices.

  16. ALAN Map 500 CRD and LST

    Open, Export.

    Binary cartographic format for the GPS-reciever ALAN Map 500.

  17. ALAN Map 600 ARD

    Open, Export.

    Binary cartographic format for the GPS-reciever ALAN Map 600.

  18. ALAN Map 500/600 TLG/TRL

    Open, Export.

    This is file with tracks for ALAN Map 500/600.

  19. ALAN Map 500/600 WRT/WRP

    Open, Export.

    This is file with waypoints and routes for ALAN Map 500/600.

  20. Holux MapShow CRD and LST

    Open, Export.

    Binary cartographic format from Holux Technology Inc.

  21. Holux MapRoute ARD

    Open, Export.

    Binary cartographic format for the GPS-reciever Holux GM-120.

  22. Holux MapShow WPO

    Open, Export.

    This is file with waypoints and routes for Holux GM-100.

  23. Holux MapShow TRK

    Open, Export.

    This is file with tracks for Holux GM-100.

  24. Holux MapShow305 WPT

    Open, Export.

    This is file with waypoints for and routes foe Holux GM-305.

  25. Holux MapShow305 TKL

    Open, Export.

    This is file with tracks for Holux GM-305.

  26. ESRI shapefile

    Import, Export.

    Binary files, which are widely used in professional GIS (ArcView, MapInfo etc).

  27. MapInfo MIF/MID

    Import, Export.

    Text files for spatial data interchange from GIS MapInfo.

  28. GPS eXchange file (GPX)

    Open, Export.

    This is file with tracks, waypoints and routes in XML-based format.

  29. Nav N Go iGO 8 track (TRK)


    This is file with track for iGO 8.

  30. Nav N Go iGO Primo track (TRK)

    Open, Export.

    This is file with track for iGO Primo.

  31. Nokia Landmark Exchange file (LMX)

    Open, Export.

    This is XML file with landmarks (waypoints) for Nokia Maps (Ovi Maps).

  32. Google Earth user data (KML, KMZ)


    This is file with user-defined geospatial vector data in XML-based format.

  33. Enhanced metafile (EMF)


    Vector image of map.

  34. Windows bitmap (BMP)


    Raster image of map.

  35. Enhanced Compressed Wavelets (ECW)


    This is raster wavelet map format developed by Earth Resource Mapping, Ltd.

  36. MrSID (.SID)


    This is raster wavelet map format developed by LizardTech, Inc.

  37. National Imagery Transmission Format (NTF)


    This is raster wavelet map format developed by U.S. Department of Defense.

  38. JPEG 2000 (JP2)


    This is raster wavelet map format standardized by ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004

  39. JPEG/Exif (JPG)

    Open as bookmark.

    Geo-tagged JPG images.

  40. Comma-separated values (CSV)

    Export bookmarks.

    Textual tables with commas as field separators, used to export bookmarks.

  41. Custom POIs for Garmin POI Loader (CSV)

    Import, Export as bookmarks.

    Textual format of custom POIs for Garmin POI Loader.

  42. Custom POIs for TomTom (OV2)

    Import, Export as bookmarks.

    Binary format for navigation software and devices from TomTom company to store custom POIs.

  43. Safety alerts for iGO (TXT)

    Import, Export as bookmarks.

    Textual table of speed cameras and other safety alerts used by Nav N Go iGO 8 and iGO Primo.

  44. Safety alerts for Navitel Navigator (TXT)

    Import, Export as bookmarks.

    Textual table of speed cameras and other safety alerts used by Navitel Navigator ver.3.2 and higher.

  45. Speedcams and traffic signs for CityGuide (BKM)

    Import, Export as bookmarks.

    Textual table of speed cameras and traffic signs used by CityGuide ver.7.x and higher.

V. Protocols of GPS recievers

The protocols are used to determine current position, velocity, altitude etc.

  1. NMEA-0183 over COMM port

    The following sentencies are supported: $GPRMC/$GNRMC, $GPGGA/$GNGGA, $GPGLL/$GNGLL, $PGRMZ, $PGRME, $HCHDG.

  2. Garmin protocol over COMM port

    A800 protocol is supported.

  3. Garmin protocol over USB

    A800 protocol is supported.

VI. Graphics limitations

Magnification of raster maps over 14х is not supported. (Note this is the limitation namely of OS but not GPSMapEdit itself). Higher stretching will lead the program to output a gray rectangle instead.

VII. Taking photo limitations

These limitations are applied to the function "Take Photo" of the window "Camera View":

On taking photo as bookmark attribute (e.g. type "File Link/Photo"), it is possible to use a camera compatible with Windows Image Acquisition.

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